
Substance indicated as Hazardous Ingredient | view: CCRRHZISUBSTTP | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Sustainability Foundation
Column Name Description
HzdsIngrdntSubstAssgmtUUID Hazardous Ingredient Substance Assignment ID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Concentration Unit of Measure (HzdsIngrdntConcnUoM):
HzdsIngrdntConcnLowrQty Hazardous Ingredient Lower Limit Concentration
HzdsIngrdntConcnUprQty Hazardous Ingredient Upper Limit Concentration
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
HzdsIngrdntConcnLowrQtyOptr Operator of Lower Limit Show values
HzdsIngrdntConcnUprQtyOptr Operator of Upper Limit Show values
ChmlCompOperatorLowerLimit Operator for Lower Limit Show values
ChmlCompOperatorUpperLimit Operator for Upper Limit Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
CmplRqRsltUUID Compliance Assessment UUID SYSUUID
SubstanceUUID Substance SYSUUID
SubstanceName Substance Name TEXT255
CompanySubstanceNavgnLink Substance SYSUUID
CASNumber CAS Number TEXT20
HzdsIngrdntConcnLowrQtyTxt Hazardous Ingredient Lower Limit Concentration as Text EHFND_HZI_CONCN_VAL_CH
HzdsIngrdntConcnUprQtyTxt Hazardous Ingredient Upper Limit Concentration as Text EHFND_HZI_CONCN_VAL_CH
UnitOfMeasureName Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 10 Characters) TEXT10
ChmlCompType Role of Ingredient in Composition EHFND_CCI_CCOMP_TYPE_NCE
ChmlCompTypeName Description of Role in Composition EHFND_DESCRIPTION_S
ChmlCompQtyAsText Concentration Value of a Chemical Component EHFND_CONCENTRATION_VALUE_CHAR
ChmlCompQtyLowerLimitAsText Lower Limit of the Concentration for a Chemical Component EHFND_CONCENTRATION_VALUE_CHAR
ChmlCompQtyUpperLimitAsText Upper Limit of the Concentration for a Chemical Component EHFND_CONCENTRATION_VALUE_CHAR
ChmlCompQtyUnitText Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 10 Characters) TEXT10