
ARun Demand Sorting Attributes | view: CDMNDSRTATT | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Order Allocation Run
Column Name Description
ARunDemandSortAttribUUID ARun Demand Sort Attribute UUID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ARunDemandSortAttribValIsRqd Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ') Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ARunDemandSortRuleUUID ARun Demand Sort Rule UUID SYSUUID
ARunDemandSortAttribPriority ARun Attribute Sort Priority
ABOPSortAttribute Sort Attribute in BOP Segment ATP_BOP_SORT_ATTRIBUTE
ABOPCustomSortUUID UUID for BOP Custom Sort Sequence SYSUUID
ABOPCustomSortName Name of Custom Sort Sequence
ABOPSortAttributeFldPathUUID Product Allocation Characteristic Catalog Path UUID
ProdAllocCharcCtlgPathDesc Product Allocation Characteristic Catalog Path Description PAL_DESCRIPTION
ABOPSortAttributeFldPathIntID Product Allocation Characteristic Catalog Path Internal ID
ARunDemandSortOrder ARun Sort Order