dealitemuuid | UUID in X form (binary) | SYSUUID | |
dealuuid | UUID in X form (binary) | SYSUUID | |
mixedproductdetailuuid | UUID in X form (binary) | SYSUUID | |
dealitemname | Detail Name | /DMBE/DM_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION | |
accounttype | Detail Accounting Type | /DMBE/DM_ACCOUNT_TYPE | |
buyingstrategy | Buying Strategy | /DMBE/DM_BUYINGSTRATEGY | |
buyingstrategydescr | Buying Strategy Description | /DMBE/DM_BUYINGSTRATEGY_DESCR | |
sellingstrategy | Selling Strategy | /DMBE/DM_SELLINGSTRATEGY | |
sellingstrategydescr | Selling Strategy Description | /DMBE/DM_SELLINGSTRATEGY_DESCR | |
tlink | T-Link | /DMBE/DM_TLINK | |
linkeddetail | Linked Detail | /DMBE/DM_LINKED_DETAIL | |
detailclass | Deal Detail Class | /DMBE/DM_DEALDETCLASS | |
material | Product | MATNR | |
pricingprocedure | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | KALSM | |
methodmeasure | Method of Measure | /DMBE/DM_METHOD_MEASURE | |
inspectioncharges | Inspection Charge | /DMBE/DM_INSPECTION_CHARGE | |
toleranceminvalue | Detail Minimum Quantity | /DMBE/DM_TOLERANCEMINIMUMVALUE | |
tolerancemaxvalue | Detail Maximum Quantity | /DMBE/DM_TOLERANCEMAXIMUMVALUE | |
qualityspecification | Quality Specifications | /DMBE/DM_QUALITY_SPECIFICATION | |
incoterms | Incoterms (Part 1) | INCO1 | |
incoterms2 | Incoterms Part 2 | INCO2 | |
origin | Origin | OIJ_LOCID | |
destination | Destination Trader Scheduler Workbench | OIJ_LOCID | |
termsoftransfer | Terms of Transfer | /DMBE/DM_TERMS_TRANSFER | |
cycleselection | Cycle ID From | /DMBE/DM_CYCLE_SELECTION | |
cycleselectionto | Cycle ID To | /DMBE/DM_CYCLE_SELECTION | |
motvessel | Vessel Name | OIG_VHLNMR | |
motvesseltext | Vessel Free Text | /DMBE/DM_VEHICLE_TEXT | |
motpipeline | Pipeline Name | OIG_VHLNMR | |
motpipelinetext | Pipeline Name Text | /DMBE/DM_VEHICLE_TEXT | |
motlaytime | Deal Laytime | /DMBE/DM_LAYTIME | |
motfreightpayer | Freight Payer | /DMBE/DM_FREIGHT_PAYER | |
motvehicleprovider | Truck Provider | /DMBE/DM_VEHICLEPROVIDER | |
creditoption | Credit Option | /DMBE/DM_CREDIT_OPTION | |
strategy | Deal Strategy | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_STRATEGY | |
strategydescription | Deal Strategy | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_STRT_DESCRIPTION | |
paymentterm | Payment Term | ZTERM | |
provisionalpaymentterm | Payment Term | ZTERM | |
lcfsrelevancy | Detail Relevancy for Regulations | ABAP_BOOL | |
lcfsrelevancyconfirmation | Detail Relevancy Confirmation for LCFS | ABAP_BOOL | |
cispecificvalue | Carbon Intensity Specific Value | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
ciminimum | Carbon Intensity Minimum Value | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
cimaximum | Carbon Intensity Maximum Value | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
ciaverage | Carbon Intensity Average | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
cipriceprecision | Carbon Intensity Price Precision | /DMBE/DM_PRICE_PRECISION | |
ciroundingrule | Carbon Intensity Price Precision | CPE_RULE | |
lcfsprogram | Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program | /DMBE/DR_LCFS_PROG | |
fuelpathway | Low Carbon Fuel Standard Fuel Pathway | /DMBE/DM_FUEL_PATHWAY_EXT | |
physicalpathway | Physical Path for Low Carbon Fuel Standard Determination | /DMBE/DM_PHYSICAL_PATH_EXT | |
fuelphysicalpathway | Fuel Physical Pathway | CHAR30 | |
unionciinventory | Composite Key for Carbon Intensity Inventory | | |
companyid | Company Identification Extention | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_ID_EXT | |
facilityid | Facility Identifier | /DMBE/DM_FACILITY_ID_EXT | |
actualci | Actual Carbon Intensity (gCO2/MJ) | /DMBE/DM_ACTUAL_CI_VAL | |
btcrelevancy | Detail Relevancy for Blender Tax Credit | ABAP_BOOL | |
btcpercentage | Blenders Tax Credit Percentage | /DMBE/DM_BTC_PERCENTAGE | |
rinsrelevancy | Detail Relevancy for RINs | ABAP_BOOL | |
rinsrelevancyconfirmation | Detail Relevancy confirmation for RINs | ABAP_BOOL | |
rinspriceprecision | Price Precision | /DMBE/DM_PRICE_PRECISION | |
rinsroundingrule | Renewable Identification Number Price Precision | CPE_RULE | |
vintageyear | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Vintage Year | /DMBE/DM_VINTAGE_YEAR | |
multiplierselect | Multiplier Select | /DMBE/DM_MULTIPLIER_SELECT | |
rinsgenerator | Renewable Identification Number Generator | /DMBE/DM_RINS_GENERATOR | |
contracttype | Generated Contract Document Type | | |
contractnumber | Contract Number | /DMBE/DM_CONTRACTNUMBER | |
contractitem | Contract Item | | |
rinscontractitem | RINS Contract Item | | |
lcfscontractitem | LCFS Contract Item | | |
priceprecision | Price Precision | /DMBE/DM_PRICE_PRECISION | |
fallbackinstructions | Fallback Instructions for Complex Scenarios | STRING | |
mercmonth | Mercantile Month | /DMBE/DM_MERCMONTH | |
optionalitykey | Detail Number | /DMBE/DM_OPTIONALITY_KEY | |
optionalityfor | Optionality For | /DMBE/DM_OPTIONALITY_KEY | |
originbuspartner | Origin Intercompany | BU_PARTNER | |
billingfrequency | Billing Frequency | WFCID | |
fascode | Financial Accounting Standards Code | /DMBE/DM_FAS_CODE | |
instrumenttype | Instrument Type | /DMBE/DM_INSTRUMENT_TYPE | |
efpfixindex | Index | CPE_RULE | |
efpfixkeydate | Contract Month | /DMBE/DM_MATURITY_KEYDATE | |
floorbrokerdetail | Floor Broker | BU_PARTNER | |
priceroundingrule | Price Precision | CPE_RULE | |
connectingcarrier | Connecting Carrier | OIJ_PARTNR | |
billingqtloc | Billing Quantity Location ID | CHAR4 | |
detailschedulingdesk | Scheduling Desk | /DMBE/DM_SCHEDULERS_DESK | |
location | Location | OIJ_LOCID | |
createdby | User Name | SYCHAR12 | |
createdat | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
changedby | User Name | SYCHAR12 | |
changedat | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
deleted | Deleted Indicator | ABAP_BOOL | |
componentfor | Mixed Product Main Detail Number | /DMBE/DM_COMPONENT_FOR | |
componentpercentage | Component Percentage in Mixed Products | /DMBE/DM_COMPONENT_PERCENTAGE | |
baseproduct | Base Product | MATNR | |
buyingtlink | Buying Transaction Link | /DMBE/DM_TLINK | |
sellingtlink | Selling Transaction Link | /DMBE/DM_TLINK | |
lcfsregulation | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Regulation Code | /DMBE/DM_REGULATION_CODE | |
lcfsvintageyear | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Vintage Year | /DMBE/DM_VINTAGE_YEAR | |
reductionpercentage | null | | |
rinsregulation | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Regulation Code | /DMBE/DM_REGULATION_CODE | |
materialalias | Product Alias | /DMBE/DM_PRODUCT_ALIAS | |