DealUuid | UUID in X form (binary) | | |
DealItemUuid | UUID in X form (binary) | | |
HierLevel | null | | |
EditingStatus | Character Field with Length 10 | | |
DrillDownState | null | | |
SmartId | Template Number | /DMBE/DM_SMART_ID | |
TemplateName | Template Name | /DMBE/DM_TEMPLATE_NAME_70C | |
InternalCompanyDescr | Internal Company | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_NAME_35C | |
ProductTypeDescr | Product Type | /DMBE/DM_PRODUCT_TYPE_DESCR | |
DealTypeDescr | Deal Type | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_TYPE_DESC | |
TransactionTypeDescr | Transaction Type | DDTEXT | |
HeaderAccountTypeDescr | Header Accounting Type | /DMBE/DM_ACCOUNTINGTYPE_DESCR | |
FasCodeHeaderDescr | Financial Accounting Standards Code | /DMBE/DM_FAS_CODE_TEXT | |
Counterparty | Counterparty | BU_PARTNER | |
CounterpartyName | Counterparty | CHAR80 | |
CounterpartyContact | Counterparty Contact Business Partner | | |
CounterpartyContactName | Counterparty Contact Business Partner | CHAR80 | |
ContractAnalyst | Contract Analyst | USNAM | |
ContractAnalystDescr | Contract Analyst | TEXT80 | |
InternalContact | Deal Trader | USNAM | |
InternalContactDescr | Deal Trader | TEXT80 | |
Broker | Broker | BU_PARTNER | |
ResponsibleTrader | Responsible Trader | USNAM | |
ResponsibleTraderDescr | Responsible Limit Of Authority | TEXT80 | |
GoverningPartyName | Governing Paper | /DMBE/DM_GOVERNING_PARTY_DESCR | |
GoverningLawDescr | Governing Law | /DMBE/DM_GOVERNING_LAW_DESCR40 | |
ImporterOfRecord | Importer of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD | |
ImporterOfRecordDescr | Importer of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD_DESCR | |
ExporterOfRecord | Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD | |
ExporterOfRecordDescr | Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD_DESCR | |
SettlementCurrencyName | Settlement Currency | TEXT40 | |
ProvisUuid | General Provision | SYSUUID | |
ProvisDescr | General Provision | /DMBE/DM_GENERAL_TERMS_DESCR | |
BuyingTrader | Buying Trader | USNAM | |
BuyingTraderDescr | Deal Trader | TEXT80 | |
SellingTrader | Selling Trader | USNAM | |
SellingTraderDescr | Deal Trader | TEXT80 | |
DealClass | Deal Class | /DMBE/DM_DEALCLASS | |
SchedulingDesk | Scheduling Desk | /DMBE/DM_SCHEDULERS_DESK | |
SchedulingDeskDescr | Scheduling Desk Description | /DMBE/DM_SCHEDULERS_DESK_DESC | |
DealBlocked | null | | |
EvgIdRenewal | Evergreen Renewal Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_ID | |
EvgDescRenewal | Evergreen Renewal Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_DESCR | |
EvgIdCancel | Evergreen Cancellation Period | | |
EvgIdCancelDescr | Evergreen Cancellation Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_DESCR | |
BuyingCompany | Buying Company I/C | BUKRS | |
BuyingCompanyDescr | Buying Company I/C | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_NAME_40C | |
SellingCompany | Selling Company I/C | BUKRS | |
SellingCompanyDescr | Selling Company I/C | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_NAME_40C | |
Strategy | Strategy | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_STRATEGY_30C | |
StrategyDescr | Strategy | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_STRATEGY_30C | |
DealItemName | Detail Name | /DMBE/DM_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION | |
Material | Product | MATNR | |
MaterialDescr | Product | TEXT40 | |
UOMDescr | Detail Unit of Measure | TEXT10 | |
DetailTrnType | Detail Transaction Type | | |
DetailTrnTypeDescr | Transaction Type | DDTEXT | |
TLink | T-Link | /DMBE/DM_TLINK | |
TLinkDescr | Transaction Link Description | /DMBE/DM_TLINK_DESCR | |
LinkedDetail | Linked Detail | /DMBE/DM_LINKED_DETAIL | |
DetailClass | Deal Detail Class | /DMBE/DM_DEALDETCLASS | |
Location | Location | OIJ_LOCID | |
DetailSchedulingDesk | Scheduling Desk | | |
DetailSchedulingDeskDescr | Scheduling Desk Description | /DMBE/DM_SCHEDULERS_DESK_DESC | |
ToleranceOptionDescription | Tolerance Option | DDTEXT | |
MethodMeasure | Method of Measure | /DMBE/DM_METHOD_MEASURE | |
MethodMeasureDescr | Method of Measure | /DMBE/DM_METHOD_MEASURE_DESCR | |
InspectionCharges | Inspection Charge | /DMBE/DM_INSPECTION_CHARGE | |
PeriodicityName | Periodicity | CHAR30LOW | |
ToleranceTypeDescr | Tolerance Type | DDTEXT | |
ToleranceMaxValue | Detail Maximum Quantity | | |
ToleranceMinValue | Detail Minimum Quantity | | |
MotLaytime | Deal Laytime | /DMBE/DM_LAYTIME | |
MotLaytimeDescr | Deal Laytime | /DMBE/DM_LAYTIME_DESCR | |
MotFreightPayer | Freight Payer | /DMBE/DM_FREIGHT_PAYER | |
MotFreightPayerDescr | Freight Payer | /DMBE/DM_FREIGHT_PAYER_DESCR | |
MotVehicleProvider | Truck Provider | /DMBE/DM_VEHICLEPROVIDER | |
MotVehicleProviderDescr | Truck Provider | /DMBE/DM_VEHICLEPROVIDER_DESCR | |
CiOptionDescr | Carbon Intensity Option | DDTEXT | |
CiPeriodicityDescr | Carbon Intensity Periodicity | CHAR30LOW | |
PricingMethodDescr | Pricing Method | DDTEXT | |
PriceRoundingRule | Price Precision | CPE_RULE | |
PriceRoundingRuleDescr | Invoice Price Precision | TEXT40 | |
EfpPricingCategoryDescr | Pricing Category for Exchange Futures for Physicals | DDTEXT | |
DetailAccountType | Detail Accounting Type | | |
DetailAccountTypeDescr | Detail Accounting Type | /DMBE/DM_ACCOUNTINGTYPE_DESCR | |
DetailFasCode | Financial Accounting Standards Code | | |
DetailFasCodeDescr | Financial Accounting Standards Code | /DMBE/DM_FAS_CODE_TEXT | |
Incoterms | Incoterms | INCO1 | |
IncotermsDescr | Incoterms | TEXT30 | |
Origin | Origin | OIJ_LOCID | |
OriginDescr | Origin | OIJ_LOCNAM | |
OriginBP | Origin Intercompany | BU_PARTNER | |
OriginBPDescr | Origin Intercompany | CHAR80 | |
Destination | Destination Trader Scheduler Workbench | OIJ_LOCID | |
DestinationDescr | Destination Name | OIJ_LOCNAM | |
LcfsRelevancy | Detail Relevancy for Regulations | ABAP_BOOL | |
LcfsRelevancyConfirmation | Detail Relevancy Confirmation for LCFS | ABAP_BOOL | |
MotDescr | Mode of Transport | CHAR20 | |
TermsOfTransfer | Terms of Transfer | /DMBE/DM_TERMS_TRANSFER | |
TermsOfTransferDescr | Terms of Transfer | /DMBE/DM_TERMS_TRANSFER_DESCR | |
BillingFrequency | Billing Frequency | WFCID | |
BillingFrequencyDescr | Billing Frequency | TEXT60 | |
CreditOption | Credit Option | /DMBE/DM_CREDIT_OPTION | |
CreditOptionDescr | Credit Option | /DMBE/DM_CREDITCLAUSETEXT | |
PaymentTerm | Payment Term | ZTERM | |
paymentTermDescr | Payment Term | TEXT50 | |
ProvisionalPaymentTerm | Provisional Payment Term | | |
ProvisionalPaymentTermDescr | Provisional Payment Term | TEXT50 | |
BillingQtLoc | Billing Quantity Location ID | CHAR4 | |
BillingQtLocDescr | Billing Quantity Location Text | TEXT30 | |
MotVessel | Vessel Name | OIG_VHLNMR | |
MotVesselText | Vessel Name | /DMBE/DM_VEHICLE_TEXT_40C | |
MotPipeline | Pipeline Name | OIG_VHLNMR | |
MotPipelineText | Pipeline Name | CHAR40 | |
CiObligationDescr | Low Carbon Fuel Standard Obligation | DDTEXT | |
CiSpecificValue | Carbon Intensity Specific Value | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
CiMininum | Carbon Intensity Minimum Value | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
CiMaximum | Carbon Intensity Maximum Value | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
CiAverage | Carbon Intensity Average | /DMBE/DM_CI_VALUE | |
CiPricedDescr | Carbon Intensity Priced | CHAR3 | |
CiPricingMethodDescr | Carbon Intensity Pricing Method | DDTEXT | |
CiRoundingRule | Carbon Intensity Price Precision | CPE_RULE | |
CiRoundingRuleDescr | Carbon Intensity Price Precision | TEXT40 | |
RinsRelevancy | Detail Relevancy for RINs | ABAP_BOOL | |
RinsRelevancyConfirmation | Detail Relevancy confirmation for RINs | ABAP_BOOL | |
RinsPricedDescr | Renewable Identification Number Priced | CHAR3 | |
RinsRoundingRule | Renewable Identification Number Price Precision | CPE_RULE | |
RinsRoundingRuleDescr | Renewable Identification Number Price Precision | TEXT40 | |
RinsPricingMethodDescr | Renewable Identification Number Pricing Method | DDTEXT | |
RinAttachedIndicator | Renewable Identification Number Attached Indicator | | |
RinAttachedIndicatorDescr | Renewable Identification Number Attached Indicator Desc | DDTEXT | |
RinDCodeDescr | Renewable Identification Number D-Code | /DMBE/DM_DCODE_DESCR | |
RinVintageYear | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Vintage Year | /DMBE/DM_VINTAGE_YEAR | |
RinMultiplier | Multiplier Select | /DMBE/DM_MULTIPLIER_SELECT | |
DetailNumber | null | | |
OptionalityFor | Optionality For | /DMBE/DM_OPTIONALITY_KEY | |
ContractNumber | Contract Number | /DMBE/DM_CONTRACTNUMBER | |
ContractType | Generated Contract Document Type | | |
ContractItem | Contract Item | | |
EfpFixIndex | Exchange Futures for Physicals Mercantile Instrument Type | CPE_RULE | |
efpFixIndexDescr | Exchange Futures for Physicals Mercantile Instrument Type | /DMBE/DM_DESCRIPTION | |
CreatedBy | Created By - Header | SYCHAR12 | |
ChangedBy | Changed By | SYCHAR12 | |
LcfsRegulation | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Regulation Code | | |
RinsRegulation | Renewables or Carbon Intensity Regulation Code | | |
ContractTypeType | Type of Contract Type | /DMBE/DM_CONTRACT_TYPE_TYPE | |
CreateDealButton | Character Field of Length 1 | | |