- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Investment Management (IM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Legal Content Management (LCM)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Transportation Management (TM)
Charge Management (TM-MD-CM)
ID: /SCMTMS/B1D0000013
CDS View | Description |
I_TranspChargeItem | Transportation Charge Item |
I_TranspChargeItemElement | Transportation Charge Item Element |
I_TranspChargeObject | Transportation Charge Object |
I_TranspChargeExchRate | Exchange Rate |
I_TranspChargeCalcRule | Transportation Charge Calculation Rule |
C_FrtCostDistrRoot | Freight Cost Distribution Root |
I_TranspAgreementPrecondition | Transportation Agreement Precondition |
C_TranspChargeObject | Transportation Charge Object |
I_FrtCostDistrElmnt | Freight Cost Distribution Elements |
I_FrtCostDistrItm | Freight Cost Distribution Items |
I_FrtCostDistrRoot | Freight Cost Distribution Root |
I_TranspChargeCalcBase | Transportation Charge Calculation Base |
I_TranspChargeCalcReslnBase | Transportation Charges Calculation Resolution Base |
I_TranspChargeCategory | Transportation Charges Charge Category |
I_TranspChargeInstrnType | Transportation Charges Instruction Type |
I_TranspChargeSubCategory | Transportation Charges Charge Subcategory |
I_TranspChargeType | Transportation Charges Charge Element Type |
I_TranspChargeCalcLevel | Transportation Charges Calculation Level |
I_TranspChargeCalcStatus | Transportation Charges Calculation Status |
I_TranspScaleCalcType | Transportation Calculation Type |
I_TranspScaleType | Transportation Scale Type |
I_FrtCostDistrLevel | Freight Cost Distribution Level |
I_FrtCostDistrRule | Freight Cost Distribution Rule |
I_FrtCostDistrStatus | Freight Cost Distribution Status |
I_TranspChargeCalcReslnBaseT | Transp. Charges Calculation Resolution Base Text |
I_TranspChargeCategoryText | Transportation Charges Charge Category Text |
I_TranspChargeInstrnTypeText | Transportation Charges Instruction Type Text |
I_TranspChargeSubCategoryText | Transportation Charges Charge Subcategory Text |
I_TranspChargeTypeText | Transportation Charges Charge Element Type Text |
I_TranspChargeCalcLevelText | Transportation Charges Calculation Level Text |
I_TranspChargeCalcStatusText | Transportation Charges Calculation Status Text |
I_TranspCalcMethodType | Calculation Method Type |
I_TranspCalcMethodTypeText | Calculation Method Type Text |
I_TranspCalculationBase | Transportation Calculation Base |
I_TranspCalculationBaseTxt | Transportation Calculation Base Text |
I_TranspCalculationMethod | Calculation Method |
I_TranspCalculationMethodText | Calculation Method Text |
I_TranspDimnWgtProfileText | Dimensional Weight Profile Text |
I_TranspRoundingProfile | Transportation Rounding Profile |
I_TranspRoundingProfileTxt | Transportation Rounding Profile Text |
I_TranspScaleBase | Transportation Scale Base |
I_TranspScaleBaseText | Transportation Scale Base Text |
I_TranspScaleCalcTypeText | Transportation Calculation Type Text |
I_TranspScaleTypeText | Transportation Scale Type Text |
C_TranspScaleTypeVH | Transportation Scale type VH |
C_TranspAgreementVH | Transp Agreement VH |
C_TranspCalcMethodTypeVH | Transp Cal Method Type VH |
C_TranspCalcMethodVH | Transportation Calculation Method VH |
C_TranspCalcReslnBaseVH | Transp Calc Resolution Base VH |
C_TranspChargeTypeVH | Charge Type VH |
C_TranspCalculationBaseVH | Transportation Calculation Base VH |
C_TranspRoundingProfileVH | Transportation Rounding Profile VH |
I_FrtCostDistrLevelText | Freight Cost Distribution Level Text |
I_FrtCostDistrRuleText | Freight Cost Distribution Rule Text |
I_FrtCostDistrStatusText | Freight Cost Distribution Status Text |
C_FrtCostDistrElmnt | Freight Cost Distribution Elements |
I_TranspAgrmtPreconditionItem | Precondition Item |
I_TransportationPeriodicity | Transportation Agreement Periodicity |
I_TransportationPeriodicityTxt | Transportation Agreement Periodicity Txt |
I_FrtAgrmtRFQResponseDue | Freight Agreement RFQ Response Due |
I_FrtAgrmtRFQResponseDueText | Freight Agreement RFQ Response Due Text |
I_TranspCapacityDimension | Capacity Dimension |
C_FreightAgreementRFQStatusVH | Freight Agreement RFQ Status VH |
C_TransportationModeVH | Transportation Mode VH |
C_TransportationShippingTypeVH | Transportation Shipping Type VH |
I_TranspRateClassification | Rate Classification in Freight Agreement |
I_TranspRateClassificationText | Rate Classfctn Txt in Freight Agreement |
I_TranspRateValueType | Transportation Rate Value Type |
I_TranspRateValueTypeText | Transportation Rate Value Type Desc |
C_TranspCalculationDateTypeVH | Transportation Calculation Date Type VH |
I_TranspCalculationDateType | Transportation Calculation Date Type |
I_TranspRateSignType | View for Signtype |
I_TranspRateSignTypeText | View for Signtype Text |
I_TranspRateTableValdtySts | View for Rate Table Validity Status |
I_TranspRateTableValdtyStsTxt | View for Rate Table Validity Sts Txt |
C_TranspRateAmtIncrDecrVH | Transp Rate Amt Increase Decrease VH |
I_TranspRateAmtIncrDecr | Transp Rate Amt Increase Decrease |
I_TranspRateAmtIncrDecrTxt | Transp Rate Amt Increase Decrease Txt |
C_TranspRateClassificationVH | Rate table Classification VH |
C_TranspRateValueTypeVH | Rate Value Type VH |
I_TranspCalculationDateTypeTxt | Transportation Calculation Date Type Txt |
I_TranspChargeRateValue | Transportation Charge Rate Value |
C_TransportationRateTableVH | Transp Rate Table VH |
I_TranspChargeRateValueText | Transportation Charge Rate Value Text |
I_TranspDimnWeightProfile | Dimensional Weight Profile |
C_FrtCostDistrItm | Freight Cost Distribution Items |
C_TranspChargeCalcBase | Transportation Charge Calculation Base |
C_TranspChargeCalcRule | Transportation Charge Calculation Rule |
C_TranspChargeItemElement | Transportation Charge Item Element |
I_FrtCostDistrElmntCnsldtd | Freight Cost Distr Elements Consolidated |
I_FrtCostDistrElmntEnrcd | Freight Cost Distr Elements Enriched |
I_FrtCostDistrItmCnsldtd | Freight Cost Distr Items Consolidated |
I_FrtCostDistrItmEnrcd | Freight Cost Distr Items Enriched |
C_TranspDimnWgtProfileVH | Transp Dimension Wgt Profile VH |
C_TransportationCarrierVH | Transportation Carrier VH |