Russia (PY-RU)

ID: AC00000022
CDS View Description
P_RMSEmplLegalHold RMS ILM Legal Hold for employees
P_RMSEmplStatusInt RMS Status (Internal)
P_RMSEmplStatusInt_O P_RMSEmplStatusInt without parameters
P_RmsDocInRep RMS: Documents business keys in instance of logical report
P_RmsDocInRepEmptyFigure Select document having empty certain figure
P_RMSDocInRepEmptyFigure_O P_RMSDocInRepEmptyFigure without parameters
P_RMSDOCINREPWITHFIGURE RMS: Documents business keys in logical report with figure
p_RmsDocInRepWithFigure_O p_RmsDocInRepWithFigure without parameters
P_RMSDocInRep_O P_RMSDocInRep without parameters
P_RMSEmployeeDS Selection detail data for Emploee List
P_RMSEmployeeList RMS Employee List full data
P_RMSEmployeeListReportAllDS RMS ILM Employee List from all versions of the report
P_RMSEmployeeListReportAllDS_O P_RMSEmployeeListReportAllDS without parameters
P_RMSEmployeeListReportDS Selection report data for Emploee List
P_RMSPernrRecordCount Count of records for pernr, No authority Check
P_RMSReportCntAmounts Figures that represents amounts and numbers in RMS.
P_RMSReportCntNonAmounts RMS Document Data Selection Non-Amounts V2
P_RMSReportLegalHold RMS ILM Legal Hold on employees in logical report
P_RMSReportLegalHold_O P_RMSReportLegalHold