Fiori Apps Shipping (LE-SHP-FIO)

ID: ER91000612
CDS View Description
I_DelivItmWthoutRefQuickCrte Quick Create Deliv Itm w/o reference
I_DelivWthoutRefQuickCreate Quick Create Delivery w/o reference
C_DelivItmWthoutRefQuickCrte Quick Create Deliv Itm w/o reference
C_DelivWthoutRefQuickCreate Create Delivery without reference
I_DelivWthRefQuickCreate Quick Create Deliv with reference TP
C_DelivWthRefQuickCreate Quick Create Deliv with reference
C_WhseClerkInbDeliv Warehouse Clerk - Inbound Delivery
C_WhseClerkOutbDeliv Warehouse Clerk - Outbound Delivery
C_OutbDelivListCreatedByVH Outbound Delivery List User Value Help
C_CollvProcessingCreatedByVH Collective Processing User Value Help
C_DeliveryItemOutputDetn Delivery Item Output Determination
v_Le_Pl_om_det_param V_LE_PL_OM_DET_PARAM
V_LE_DLV_OM_PARAM Parameter for Output Determination in Outbound Delivery
C_DueSalesOrderFromLogId Sales Order still due for Delivery from Processing Error Log
C_CollectiveProcessingDocument Collective Processing Sales Documents
C_OutboundDeliveryList Outbound Delivery List
C_OutboundDeliveryCreate Create Outbound Delivery
C_CollectiveProcessing Delivery Logs
C_CollectiveProcessingErrorLog Collective Processing Error Log