UOM: Master Data (IS-OIL-UOM-MD)

ID: EOP1000018
Table Description
GHO_VARIANT_H Variant Header
GHO_IFLOT_EXT Function location extension table
GHO_INET_LOG Change log table for INET - productive networks
GHO_SIM_INET Object Links for Network Simulation
GHO_PRDENTY_TYPE Table for Holding Oil and Gas Entity
GHO_WELLST_DERIV Customizing table for Well Lifecycle Status Derivation
GHO_NETOBJ_TD Well Time Dependency
GHO_IFLOT_PLAN Function location extension table
GHO_NETOBJ_TYP Network Object Maintainence
GHO_COMP_TYP Compressor Type
GHO_DEH_TYP Dehydrator Type
GHO_ELE_REF Elevation Reference
GHO_FLARE_OFS Orientation of Flare Stack
GHO_GEOLOC_EXT Geo location (lon/lat/alt/...) extension table
GHO_HT_CONF Heater Treater Configuration
GHO_HT_TMEC Heater Treater- Treater Mechanism
GHO_MTR_OM Operating Mode
GHO_MTR_TYP Meter Type
GHO_NETOBJ_STA Network Object Status
GHO_OBJECT_TYPE Network Object Maintainence (obselete)
GHO_PIPEMATNRT Table for Pipeline Material
GHO_PUMP_APL Application
GHO_PUMP_DGN Pump Design
GHO_PUMP_DR Type of Driver
GHO_PUMP_FLD Fluid Handled
GHO_TB_FL_TYP Turbine Fuel Type
GHO_TB_TYP Turbine Type of Driven Unit
GHO_WC_TYP Well Completion Type
GHO_WELLCLASS_LC Well class Lifecycle
GHO_WELLSTATUS Well Status Maintenance
GHO_WELLUSAGE Well Usage Maintainence
GHO_WTTYPE Well test type
GHO_NETWORK Production Network
GHO_PE_TYP Oil and Gas Entity Types Customings
GHO_AGGR_TYPE Platform type
GHO_VARIANT_O Variant Option
GHO_WELLCLASS Wellclass table
GHO_FLOBJ_TYPE Maintenance- Network object with functional location
GHO_WELL_TD Well Time Dependency