Tariffs, Duties and Permits (IS-OIL-DS-TDP)

ID: I270009311
Table Description
OIHEDO Object table 1, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHSLO TDP (excise duty) special ledger object table
OIH30H Tracking header
OIHEDA Actual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDP Plan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHSLA TDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table
MSPT_OIGSI Shipment Item to store deleted records
OIH_TAX_REV Excise Duty Revaluation Documents
OIHEDT Summary table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDC Object table 2, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
MSPT_OIGS TD Shipment Header to store deleted records
OIHLTR Excise license tracking pointer file
OIH30I Tracking item
OIHSLT TDP (excise duty) special ledger summary table
OIHL License Master Data
A419 ED pricing/Origin/Tax Group/Handl.Type/Orig.reg.
OIH_J1B_APR Brazil tax: Acquisition price table
A424 Exception for States (FOB)
A425 State Tax FOB
A426 State Tax on delivered goods
A433 Customer Specific Tax (FOB) - Federal
A434 Incoterms / Material group 2 - Federal
A442 Full Rate Excise Duty Company/Plant/Tax Group
A443 Red Rate Exc Duty Comp/Plant/Tax Group/Handling Type
A423 Customer Specific Tax (FOB)
A444 Two-step transfer with tracking sign
OIH_J1B_PPR Brazil Tax: Pondered average price table for final consume
OIH_J1B_COP Brazil: Controled prices table
OIH_J1B_ZFD Brazil tax: Sub. Trib. Discount for Zona Franca de Manaus
OIH01A Excise Duty Rates Table
OIH01 Excise Duty Rates Table
OIH_ETAX_TB070 Definition of Excise Tax Type per Country
SIPT_GAPS_OIG Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for Delivery Documents
SIPT_NUMST_OIG Signature PT: Number From in IS-OIL Process
OIH2 Excise duty tax group (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)
OIH4 Excise duty tax status (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)
OIH_J1B_ACSVAL Brazil: Oil Access Values
OIH_J1B_FAC Brazil: Factor for calculation of PIS / COFINS ST
OIH_J1B_INC Brazil: Incoming taxation table
OIH20 License types
OIHLO Used licenses for orders
OIH2M_J1B Check table for material tax group
OIH_J_1BTREGX Tax region
OIH_J_1BTXIS1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales exeptions
OIH_J1B_SAL_2 Brazil: ICMS Deferment
OIH_J_1BTXIX1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales and purchasing exeptions
OIH21 Assignment: License type to condition type
OIH22 Interstate excise table
OIH30 Two-step transfer control table
OIH31 Material specific tolerance table
OIH40 Excise Duty defaulting table GI/GR for production orders
OIH6 ED postings per ED rate
OIH08A Default values for external procurement functions
OIH10A License Requirements Tab
OIH11A Defaults for ext. sales functions
OIH_J_1BTXIC2 Tax calc.: ICMS rules (exceptions)
OIH_J_1BTXST1 Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules
OIH_J1B_TCI Deprecated
OIH_ETAX_CONDMAP Mapping of Excise Tax Rate into Condition Technique
SIPT_NUMBR_OIG Siganture PT : Customizing Table for Signature in IS-OIL
OIH08 Default values for external procurement functions
OIH10 License Requirements Tab
OIH11 Defaults for ext. sales functions
OIH14 Tax rate revaluation - obsolete