Service Station Retailing (IS-OIL-DS-SSR)

ID: I400022112
Table Description
OIRADBT Document base table
OIRC_DRREJ SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records
OIRC_MRREJ SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records
OIRC_GMMH SSR Meters - History
OIRC_GMMH_DEL SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings history
OIRC_SOCDIP SSR Stocks - Dip readings history
OIRESETT_HEAD Payment Cards: Settlement Run Log
OIRE_RECON_RUN Reconciliation run results
OIRC_PRCHK SSR Pricing - Price check
OIREUPLPXXXX SSR PC: DTF table for item information
OIRC_GMMH_AGG01 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly)
OIRADTLT Document transaction link table
OIRC_GMMH_AGG011 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly)
OIRE_RECON_DET Detailed reconciliation data
OIRE_RECON_AGG Aggregated reconciliation data
S414 SSR DTF statistics
OIRC_PRLOG_PRM SSR Pricing - Price update parameter log
OIRE_RECON_ADM Administration data for the reconciliation files
OIRCPRCHHEAD SSR Pricing - Change header details
OIRHCHSTRNSMN Clearing House Transmission-Message log(IS-OIL, SSR)
OIRA_PRINTINDEX Print group index data
OIRESETT_ITEM Payment Cards: Settlement Run Log
OIRA_PRNDOC_ITEM Print document item data
OIRC_DRREJ_ERR SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records - Error list
S412 SSR Margin Report
S413 SSR - Monthly/Daily Loc.Inv.
OIRC_PASS Fuels pricing pass prices export table
OIRC_PRLOG_DIF SSR Pricing - Price update differences
OIRC_PRLOG_PRL SSR Pricing - Old and new prices
OIRA_PRNDOC_HEAD Print document header data
OIRECH SSR PC: Clearing House table (IS-Oil SSR)
OIREPBL SSR PC: Types per business location
OIRBOANLA Object links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRC_LOGDOCDEFH Logistics document definition schema header
OIRAPROCDEF Process Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRECH_APPL SSR PC: Clearing House application data (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOMMT001L Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRBOT001L Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBPBLSTAT Location Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBPBLB Business location at business type level (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBBP1PF Location partner role SD partner functions (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOT001W Object links - CA Plant (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBMATMET Business Location material/meter assignment (IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRA_PRINTGP Print type group definition
OIRECHSETTFMT CH Settlement Format Table
OIRESETTDOCFMT CH Settlement Format Table
OIRECOMPACT SSR PC: Complaint action
OIRIDCPAR SSR Invoicing - Document parameters
OIREDTFCAPTS SSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transaction
OIRBOCEPC Object links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOCSKS Object links - CO cost center (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOCOAS Object links - CO order (IS-Oil SSR)
S414E S414 - Structural information
OIRESPCR SSR PC: Splitting criteria
A418 Sales org.
A360 Location / Service type / Material - Street price
A361 LocationID/Material - Street price
OIRHCHSSGCONFC Clearing House Settlement Msg sgmnt struc config(IS-OIL,SS
B414 LocationID/PrnGp
OIRC_FUELS_PR SSR - Processing profile
OIRADBTCOMPSTR Completion strategy for the document base table
OIRAPCG Process Control Group (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCSTAT Process Control Status Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROC_OBJ_ID Processing object type
OIRASTYP Service type (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRA_DOCTYPE_VAL Values for doctype
OIRAREPSUMCOLS SSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition
OIRA_AGGSCHEMA Define pre-aggregation schema and key parameters
OIRA_PRINTPROC Procedure for updating the print group index table
OIRA_SRCDOC_CAT Source document categories
OIREBLSTPL SSR PC: Black List Storage Place
OIREBR SSR PC: Block reasons (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECOMPRES SSR PC: Complaint results
OIREDTFCAPT SSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transaction
OIREPCTYP SSR PC: Payment Card Type
OIRESLSTA SSR PC: Sales status of the PC transactions
OIRESPLIT SSR PC: Splitting Indicator
OIRESPRES SSR PC: Splitting Result
OIREVALGP SSR PC: Upload Validation Group
OIRE_KSCHL_CLA SSR: Condition classification
OIRE_SPLIT_VAL SSR PC: Splitting routine
OIRE_VAL_VAL SSR PC: Validation routine
OIRE_DIFFTOL_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI
OIRE_DISC_VAL SSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters
OIRE_RECON_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI
OIRE_SRCE2_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 2
OIRCLPC SSR Pricing - Location price cluster
OIRCMDPG SSR Pricing - Material difference price group
OIRCSDPG SSR Pricing - Service type difference price group
OIRCTVKD SSR Pricing - Location Margin Procedure
OIRCTVKV SSR Pricing - Business type Margin Procedure
OIRC_ACCESS SSR Meters - Access type
OIRC_EM_VAL SSR Pricing - 2-dimensional matrx edit methods
OIRC_HS_VAL SSR Pricing - History selection
OIRC_LD_PBLIND Logistics document definition location indicator
OIRC_LOG_DOCTYP Logistics document type
OIRC_PK_VAL SSR Pricing - User price check methods
OIRC_SV_VAL SSR Pricing - Save command method
OIRC_WST SSR Pricing - List Variants
OIRCSCTFDDEFS Field Definitions - Meter Maintenance
OIRC_DB_VAL SSR Pricing - Customisable reset button
OIRC_GMME SSR: Meter event
OIRC_GMMH_PRNR SSR Meters - History / Maximum process number
OIRIAGGCHAR Define aggregation procedure and key parameters
OIRITYPC SSR Invoicing - invoicing type definition
OIRIPGRPD SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group definition
OIRI_ADDAT_VAL Value table for addittional data routine
OIRHCHSSGDEFS Clearing House Settlement - Segment definitions (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRHCVFDDEFS Field Catalog (IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVGRDEFC Conversion Group Definitions(IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHPRBAPI Process link to BAPI and business types - BAPIs
OIRBPBLPBL Link Table Location-Loc(Competitor assgnmnt)(IS-OIL,SSR)
OIRBPBLVAL Relative Location Value (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLVALD Location Value differentiator (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBSTATDEF Location Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBTTXID SSR Service Station Base: Text ID Activation
OIRBOIFLO Object links - PM functional location (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRC_VCDEF SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition
OIRBOPROJ Object links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil SSR)
S412E S412 - Structural information
S413E S413 - Structural information
OIRA_PRINTCALL Definition of print index update call-up points
OIRBCSTORE C-Store/Retail specific data (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRCCOMPD SSR Pricing - Competitor price differences
OIRCCOMPDM SSR Pricing - Competitor price differences/Material
OIRCLPCD SSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences
OIRCLPCDM SSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences/Material
OIRCMDPGR SSR Pricing - Material differences rates
OIRCSDPGR SSR Pricing - Service type differences rates
OIRHCHSFDDEFS Clearing House Settlement - Field Catalog (IS-OIL,SSR)
OIRC_ACCGR SSR Meters - Meter access profile
OIRC_STATUS SSR Fuels - Status
OIRC_STATUS_USR SSR Fuels - Status (User checks)
OIRIMTYP SSR Invoicing - Invoicing method parameters
OIRAPCSTATT Process Control Status Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRESPLITT SSR PC: Splitting Indicator text
OIRC_PRPROC_DFT SSR Pricing - Process definition - texts
OIRC_WSTT SSR Pricing - List Variants - Texts
OIRE_COMP_VALT SSR PC: Complaint routine text
OIRAMATHANDGRPDT Material handling group definition text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRASTYPT Service type description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRA_PC_VALT Process Prerequisite Check Routines
OIRA_PD_VALT Process Date Check Routines
OIRA_PE_VALT Process Execution Routines
OIRA_PGC_VALT Process Prerequisite Group Check Routines
OIRA_PU_VALT Process Status Update Routines
OIRAREPSUMCOLST SSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition
OIRA_AP_VALT Process after process Routines
OIRA_MS_VALT SSR: Message supression routines
OIRA_PRINTCALLT Text table for print index update call-up points
OIRA_PRINTGPT Text table for print type group
OIRA_PRINTPROCT Text table for Print update procedure
OIRA_PRPROC_VALT SSR Print - ALV output table population methods
OIRA_SRCDOC_CATT Text table for Source document categories
OIRE_CP_VALT Complaint processing text table
OIRE_SPLIT_VALT SSR PC: Splitting routine text
OIRE_VAL_VALT SSR PC: Validation routine text
OIRE_CHCAL_VALT SSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar check
OIRE_DIFTOL_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI Texts
OIRE_DISC_VALT SSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters text table
OIRE_RECON_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI Texts
OIRE_SRCE1_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values Texts for Data Source 1
OIRE_SRCE2_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Table Value Texts for Data Source 2
OIRC_CP_VALT SSR Pricing - Screenwise price proposal methods texts
OIRC_DC_VALT SSR Stocks - User checks methods: texts
OIRC_DS_VALT SSR Stocks - Schedule determination methods: texts
OIRC_DT_VALT SSR Stocks - Tolerance quantity base methods: texts
OIRC_EM_VALT SSR Pricing - 2-dimensional pricing matrix edit methods
OIRC_FD_VALT SSR Pricing - Footer definition methods
OIRC_HD_VALT SSR Pricing - Header definition methods
OIRC_HS_VALT SSR Meters - User checks methods: texts
OIRC_LOGDDR_VALT SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_LOGDOCS_VAT SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_MC_VALT SSR Meters - User checks methods: texts
OIRC_MD_VALT SSR Pricing - Margin definition methods texts
OIRC_MMR_VALT SSR Meters - Dialog save methods: texts
OIRC_MS_VALT SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods: texts
OIRC_OUT_VALT Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRC_PC_VALT SSR Pricing - Commnuication structure population methods
OIRC_PD_VALT SSR Pricing - Period defintion methods texts
OIRC_PISPC_VALT SSR Pricing - Data transfer from report to 2D pr. function
OIRC_PK_VALT SSR Pricing - User price check methods texts
OIRC_PPD_VALT SSR Pricing - Columnwise price proposal methods texts
OIRC_PP_VALT SSR Pricing - Rowwise price proposal methods texts
OIRC_RC_VALT SSR Meters - Rollover control methods: texts
OIRC_RD_VALT SSR Pricing - Row definition methods
OIRC_SD_VALT SSR Pricing - Screen definition methods
OIRC_SV_VALT SSR Pricing - Save command method: texts
OIRC_TL_VALT SSR Pricing - Method to identify target line for pasting
OIRCSCTFDDEFST Field Definition Texts - Meter Maintenance
OIRC_DB_VALT SSR Pricing - Customisable reset button texts
OIRHCHSFDDEFST Clearing House Settlement-Field cat descriptions(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCHSMSCT Clearing House Settlement - Message structures (IS-Oil SSR
OIRHCHSSGCONFCT Clearing House Settlement Msg sgmnt struc config(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCHSSGDEFST Clearing House Settlement - Segment definitions (IS-Oil SS
OIRHCVFDDEFST Field Conversion - Field catalog descriptions (IS-Oil, SSR
OIRHCVGRDEFCT Group definition texts (IS-OIL,SSR)
OIRHPRBAPIT Process link to BAPI and business types - BAPI texts
OIRBBRANDT Location Brand description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLVALDT Location Value differentiator description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLVALT Relative Location Value description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBSTATDEFT Location Status definition text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECHSETTFMTT Report column description
OIRESETTDOCFMTT Settlement Document Report column description
OIRC_MRREJ_ERR SSR Meters - MR rejected records - Error list (OBSOLETE)
C013 Company Code / card type
C014 Card Type
OIRECCTYPAOBJ Assignm.card type/CC to archiving object (obsolete rel.472)
Q001 Company/Card Type/Split Result
Q002 Company/Card Type
OIRADBTCFLD Customer specifc fields for he document base table (OIRADB
OIRADBTSUBPROC Subsequent processes for the document base table
OIRAPBLHEAD General Location header Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPROCEXE Assign process to transaction code (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCRNBT Link Business type to Process ID
OIRAPROCTECH Process Control performance settings (no transport)
OIRAPROCTECHACT Process optimization activation
OIRARNBTST Link Business type - Service type (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLTRNBT Dummy table for run-time field RNBT per location type
OIRA_ARCH_CUST SSR - Archiving customizing
OIRA_ARCH_TABLES SSR - Archiving tables
OIRA_CUSTIND_FLD Print group index customer fields
OIRA_DESTSTR_VAL Check table for destination structure of pre-aggregation
OIRA_PRNFLD_ASSN Assignment of sources for index fields
OIRA_SRCESTR_VAL Check table for destination structure of pre-aggregation
OIRECCTYP SSR PC: Company code / credit card types
OIRECHPR SSR PC: Initial procedures (CH determ., stat. group...)
OIREDTFSCRN SSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - customizing
OIREDTFSCRNS SSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - system table
OIREMATNR SSR PC: Material numbers allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC ty
OIRESPLITS SSR PC: Splitting routine assignment to splitting indicato
OIREUPLKXXXX SSR PC: Template for generated DTF tables (header)
OIREVALS SSR PC: Upload Validation assignment to Validation Groups
Q000 Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $
OIRECH_RECON SSR PC Reconciliation Cusotmizing by Clearing House
OIREDISC SSR PC: Clearing house discounts by cardtype/co code/CH
OIREDTF_INFOSCRN Assignment of infoscreen for SAPMOIREDTF
OIRE_MATCHKEY PC Reconciliation: Matching keys
OIRE_MATCHKY_FLD SSR PC Reconciliation Matching Key Fields
OIRE_RECON_CUS SSR PC Reconciliation Customizing by Cl. House & Card Type
OIRCT683V SSR Pricing - Margin procedure determination
OIRCT685 SSR Pricing - Condition type definition
OIRC_DESTSTRUC Check table for comm. structures for logistics documents
OIRC_DR_COMPST SSR Stocks - Completion strategy for the DBT
OIRC_LOGDOC_ASS Logistics document schema assignment
OIRC_MR_COMPST SSR Meters - Completion strategy for the DBT
OIRC_SRCESTRUC Check table for logistics documents source structure
OIRC_ACT_STATUS SSR Fuels - Active checks - Status
OIRC_MR_FDEF_CF SSR Meters - Field Selection Customizing - SCT
OIRC_MR_SUBSCR SSR Meters - Subscreen assignments maintenance
OIRCT685_H SSR Pricing - Condition type definition
OIRIDESTSTRUCC Check table for communication structures for gn_inv_cr
OIRIREVCOMP Assign completion strategy for periodic invoice reversals
OIRISRCESTRUCC Check table for destination structure
OIRIREVAGG Aggregation schema for reversals
OIRHCHSMSCONFC Clearing House Settlement-message configurations(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCVDEFS Field conversion -Interface field declarations (IS-Oil, SS
OIRHCVFDDEFC Field Conversion Activation Table (IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVRDDEFC Field Conversion Records Inbound(IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVRDDEFOC Field Conversion Records Outbound(IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHPRCONFC BAPI Business type Process linking
OIRHREPORTSSTWB Reports used in Storeworkbench
OIRHTCODESTWB Maintain Executable Services in Store Workbench
OIRBSNRNBT_C Lead RNBT for SCT screen (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBAMCS Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR APPEND maint. concept)
OIR_02_DTF_FDCAT Link Table for DTF Tables and Field Catalog (SSR Archiving)