- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
- Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
- Additional Functions (FI-AF)
- Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
- Bank Accounting (FI-BL)
- Central Finance (FI-CF)
- Consolidation (FI-LC)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
- Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC)
- Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM)
- Fiori UI for Financial Accounting (FI-FIO)
- Fiori UI for Financials (FIN-FIO)
- Funds Management (FI-FM)
- General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
- Localization (FI-LOC)
- ACR Activities (FI-LOC-VAT)
- Audit Reporting (FI-LOC-AUR)
- Cash Flow Localization (FI-LOC-CF)
- Cash Management (FI-LOC-CM)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-LOC-CA)
- Corporate Income Tax Framework (FI-LOC-CIT)
- Globalization Service: Business Place (FI-LOC-BUP)
- Golden Audit Interface (FI-LOC-GAI)
- Localization Asset Accounting (FI-LOC-AA)
- Localization E-Payment Integration (FI-LOC-EPI)
- Localization Financials (FI-LOC-FI)
- Financials Arabic Emirates (FI-LOC-FI-AE)
- Financials Argentina (FI-LOC-FI-AR)
- Financials Austria (FI-LOC-FI-AT)
- Financials Belgium (FI-LOC-FI-BE)
- Financials Brazil (FI-LOC-FI-BR)
- Financials Chile (FI-LOC-FI-CL)
- Financials China (FI-LOC-FI-CN)
- Financials Colombia (FI-LOC-FI-CO)
- Financials Czech Republic (FI-LOC-FI-CZ)
- Financials Denmark (FI-LOC-FI-DK)
- Financials Egypt (FI-LOC-FI-EG)
- Financials France (FI-LOC-FI-FR)
- Financials Germany (FI-LOC-FI-DE)
- Financials Great Britain (FI-LOC-FI-GB)
- Financials Hungary (FI-LOC-FI-HU)
- Financials Indonesia (FI-LOC-FI-ID)
- Financials Ireland (FI-LOC-FI-IE)
- Financials Israel (FI-LOC-FI-IL)
- Financials Italy (FI-LOC-FI-IT)
- Financials Japan (FI-LOC-FI-JP)
- Financials Kazakhastan (FI-LOC-FI-KZ)
- Financials Luxembourg (FI-LOC-FI-LU)
- Financials Malaysia (FI-LOC-FI-MY)
- Financials Mexico (FI-LOC-FI-MX)
- Financials Netherlands (FI-LOC-FI-NL)
- Financials New Zealand (FI-LOC-FI-NZ)
- Financials Norway (FI-LOC-FI-NO)
- Financials Peru (FI-LOC-FI-PE)
- Financials Philippines (FI-LOC-FI-PH)
- Financials Poland (FI-LOC-FI-PL)
- Financials Portugal (FI-LOC-FI-PT)
- Financials Qatar (FI-LOC-FI-QA)
- Financials Romania (FI-LOC-FI-RO)
- Financials Russia (FI-LOC-FI-RU)
- Financials Singapore (FI-LOC-FI-SG)
- Financials Slovak republic (FI-LOC-FI-SK)
- Financials Slovenia (FI-LOC-FI-SI)
- Financials South Korea (FI-LOC-FI-KR)
- Financials Spain (FI-LOC-FI-ES)
- Financials Sweden (FI-LOC-FI-SE)
- Financials Switzerland (FI-LOC-FI-CH)
- Financials Taiwan (FI-LOC-FI-TW)
- Financials Thailand (FI-LOC-FI-TH)
- Financials Turkey (FI-LOC-FI-TR)
- Financials USA (FI-LOC-FI-US)
- Financials Ukraine (FI-LOC-FI-UA)
- Financials Venezuela (FI-LOC-FI-VE)
- Localization Financials (generic parts) (FI-LOC-GEN)
- Localization Financials EC Sales List (FI-LOC-ECS)
- Localization Financials Statements (FI-LOC-FS)
- Localization Funds Management (FI-LOC-FM)
- Localization Logistics (FI-LOC-LO)
- Localization for Utilities Industry (FI-LOC-UT)
- Payment Receipt (FI-LOC-PR)
- SAF-T Reporting (Generic Part) (FI-LOC-SAF)
- Statutory Reporting (FI-LOC-IS)
- Statutory Reporting Framework (FI-LOC-SRF)
- Tax Invoice Management (FI-LOC-TIM)
- Predictive Accounting (FI-PRA)
- Real-Time Consolidation (FIN-RTC)
- Revenue Accounting (FI-RA)
- S4HANA Financial Consolidation[Cloud] (FIN-CS)
- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
- Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
- Tax Subledger (FI-TXL)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Investment Management (IM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Legal Content Management (LCM)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Transportation Management (TM)
Financials Kazakhastan (FI-LOC-FI-KZ)
ID: EBJ0000089
CDS View | Description |
C_KZ_VATRetDeductDocCube | Section 9 Cube Veiw |
C_KZ_VATRetForeignItemCube | VAT Retrun Foreign documents: Cube View |
C_KZ_VATRetIncCustomDeclnCube | Section 3 Cube Veiw |
C_KZ_VATReturnIncgInvcItemCube | VAT Return Incoming Invoice Item |
C_KZ_VATReturnMainSectionCube | Sections 0,1,2,4,6 Cube Veiw |
C_KZ_VATReturnOutgInvcItemCube | VAT Return Outgoing Invoice Item |
C_KZ_FinancialStatementItemQ | Financial Statement Item - Query |
P_KZ_COMPANYCODEDATA | Company code data |
P_KZ_DATASELFINSTMNT | data selection for financial statment |
C_KZ_VATRet0RateItemQuery | Section 1 |
C_KZ_VatRetCorrectionItemQuery | Section 6 |
C_KZ_VATRetDeductDocQuery | Section 9 |
C_KZ_VATRetForeignItemQuery | VAT Retrun Foreign documents: Query View |
C_KZ_VATRetIncCustomDeclnQuery | Section 3 Query View |
C_KZ_VatRetMainSection0ItemQry | Section 0 |
C_KZ_VATRetOffsetItemQuery | Section 4 |
C_KZ_VATRetTaxFreeItemQuery | Section 2 |
C_KZ_VATReturnIncgInvcItemQ | VAT Return Incoming Invoice Item (Query) |
C_KZ_VATReturnOutgInvcItemQ | VAT Return Outgoing Invoice Item (Query) |
P_KZ_BillingMaterialDetails | Billing material details for out docs |
P_KZ_CUSTOMDECLARATION | Basic view for table fikzd_cust_decl |
P_KZ_CustomDeclarationPrev | Selection for prev custom declarations |
P_KZ_DATE_HELPER | Helper for sum |
P_KZ_DSVATRetCDec | Data slection for section 3 |
P_KZ_DSVATRetDeduct | Data selection for section 9 |
P_KZ_DSVATRetDoc | Data selection view for section 0,1,2,4,6 |
P_KZ_DSVATRetForiegnDoc | Data selection for Section 5 |
P_KZ_DSVATRetForiegnDoc1 | Data selection sec 5 with prev |
P_KZ_DSVATRetInDoc | Data selection for section 8 |
P_KZ_DSVATRetInDoc1 | Data sselection for paper customer invoices |
P_KZ_DSVATRetOutDoc | Data selection for section 7 |
P_KZ_DSVATRetOutDoc1 | Data selction for ssection 7 |
P_KZ_DSVATReturn | Data selection for all sections |
P_KZ_DSVATReturnFinal | Data selection for KZ VAT with Corrections |
P_KZ_FILENAME_HELPER | KZ VAT FileName Helper View |
P_KZ_PurMaterialDetails | Purchase material details for in docs |
P_KZ_SUM_HELPER | Helper for sum |
P_KZ_SUM_HELPER1 | Helper for sum |
P_KZ_SUM_HELPER2 | Helper for sum |
P_KZ_SUM_HELPER_1 | Helper for sum |
P_KZ_SupplierStatus | KZ Supplier Status |
P_KZ_VATCDECLOGRUN | submitted custom declarations |
P_KZ_VATCDECLOGRUN1 | submitted custom declarations |
P_KZ_VATITEMLOGRUN | Read log table for KZ VAT Decl |
P_KZ_VATITEMLOGRUN1 | Submitted docs |
P_KZ_VATRerInitialSectionTot | Initial section totals |
P_KZ_VATRetCdec | Selection for custome declarations |
P_KZ_VATRetCdecTotals | Custom decalration total |
P_KZ_VATRetDeductDoc | Selection for section 9 |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDoc | Selection for foriegn documentss |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocRound | Selection for foriegn documentss |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTable | Foreign documents Table |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTable1 | Foreign documents Table |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTableTot | Table totals for foreign docs |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTotals | Foreign documents Totals |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTotPrev | Foreign Docs Totals Previous |
P_KZ_VATRetInDoc | Selection for incoming documents |
P_KZ_VATRetInDoc1 | Incoming documents view 1 |
P_KZ_VATRETINDOC2 | Incoming documents view 1 |
P_KZ_VATRETINDOCTABLE | Outgoing docs for Mapping |
P_KZ_VATRETInDOCTABLETOT | Totals for outgoing documents |
P_KZ_VATRETINDOCTABLETOT1 | Totals for outgoing documents |
P_KZ_VATRetOutDoc | Selection for outgoing documents |
P_KZ_VATRetOutDoc1 | Outgoing invoices view |
P_KZ_VATRETOUTDOC2 | Outgoing invoices view |
P_KZ_VATRetOutDocTable | Outgoing docs for Mapping |
P_KZ_VATRetOutDocTableTot | Totals for outgoing documents |
P_KZ_VATRETOUTDOCTABLETOT1 | Totals for outgoing documents |
P_KZ_VATRetSection1Preview | VAT Return Section 1 Preview |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION1SUBTOTALS1 | Section 1: Read customer country |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION1SUBTOTALS2 | Section 1: Calculate country subtotals |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION1SUBTOTALS3 | Section 1: Merge all subtotals |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION1TOTALS | Section 1: Calculate main totals |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION2SUBTOTALS1 | Section 2: Calculate subtotals |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION2TOTALS | Main totals for section 2 |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION4SUBTOTALS1 | Section 4: Calculate subtotals |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION4TOTALS | Main totals for section 4 |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION6SUBTOTALS1 | Section 6: Calculate subtotals |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION6TOTALS | Main totals for section 6 |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION9SUBTOTALS1 | Subtotals for section 9 |
P_KZ_VATRETSECTION9SUBTOTALS2 | Subtotals for section 9 |
P_KZ_VATRETURNFOREIGN1 | Selection for main ssections 0,1,2,4,6(1) |
P_KZ_VATReturnInitialSection | KZ VAT Initial Section |
P_KZ_VATRETURNINITSECIMPORT | for line 16 of section 0 |
P_KZ_VATRETURNINITSECIMPORT1 | for line 16 of section 0 final view |
P_KZ_VATReturnItem | VAT Return KZ Cust |
P_KZ_VATRETURNITEM1 | Customasing of VAT return items |
P_KZ_VATRETURNITEMTEXT | Customasing of VAT return items text |
P_KZ_VATReturnMainSection | Selection for Main Section |
P_KZ_VATRETURNMAINSECTION_RND | Selection for Main Section |
P_KZ_VATReturnSection | Selection for main ssections 0,1,2,4,6 |
P_KZ_VATReturnSection1 | Selection for main ssections 0,1,2,4,6(1) |
P_KZ_VATReturnSection2 | Selection for main ssections part 2 |
P_KZ_VATReturnSection3 | Selection for main sectionss part 3 |
P_KZ_VATRETURNSECTION3_RND | Selection for main sectionss part 3 |
P_KZ_VATRETURNSECTIONCust | Sections of VAT Return Kazahstan |
P_KZ_VATRETURNSELCRITERIA | Items selection criteria of VAT-Return |
P_KZ_VAT_HELPER | KZ VAT Helper View |
I_KZ_ContractType | Contract type KZ |
I_KZ_CustomDeclaration | Basic view for table fikzd_cust_decl |
I_KZ_CustomerCategory | Electronic Invoices: Customer Category |
I_KZ_MaterialGroupClassfctn | Material group |
I_KZ_PaperCustInvoiceAssgmt | Assign Paper ID to Customer |
I_KZ_PaperVendorInvoiceAssgmt | Assign Paper ID to Vendor |
I_KZ_VATCstmDeclnItemLog | Read log table for KZ VAT Custom Decl |
I_KZ_VATItemLog | Read log table for KZ VAT Decl |
I_KZ_VATReturnCustomizing | VAT Return Kazahstan Customizing |
I_KZ_VendorCategory | Electronic invoices: Vendor Category |
P_KZ_DSVATRetForiegnDocRenew | Data selection for old VAT KZ Return |
P_KZ_DSVATRetForiegnDocRenew1 | Data selection for old VAT KZ Return 1 |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocRenew | Section 5 for old VAT Return KZ |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocRoundRen | Round view for section 5 of old VAT return |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTableRen | Final table for VAT Return old |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTotalsRen | Totls for section 5 of old VAT Retunr curr period |
P_KZ_VATRetForeignDocTPrevRen | Totls for section 5 of old VAT Retunr prev period |
P_KZ_VATReturnCustomazingRenew | VAT Return Customazing Renew |
I_KZ_ReturnFieldsMapping | Return Fields Mapping Settings table |
I_KZ_TurnoverCodesMapping | Mapping for turnover codes |
I_KZ_BusinessPartnerContract | Internal Contract Numbers |