currentfiscalyear | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
accountingprinciple | Accounting Principle for Ledger/Company Code | ACCOUNTING_PRINCIPLE | |
glaccount | G/L Account | SAKNR | |
grouping_rule | Rule for Grouping Journal Entry Line Items for Valuation | FINS_VAL_GROUPING_RULE | |
grouping_rule_step | Step of a Grouping Rule | NUMC4 | |
group_id | Group ID for Grouping Journal Entry Line Items | CLS_RUN_GROUP_ID | |
subledgeracctlineitemtype | Subledger-Specific Line Item Type | SLALITTYPE | |
chartofaccounts | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
assignmentreference | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
businesspartner | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
postingkey | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
predecessorreferencedoctype | Preceding Document Reference Transaction | AWTYP | |
predecessorreferencedoccntxt | Preceding Document Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
predecessorreferencedocument | Preceding Document Reference Document Number | AWREF | |
predecessorreferencedocitem | Preceding Reference Document Line Item | NUMC6 | |
prdcssrjournalentrycompanycode | Preceding Journal Entry Company Code | BUKRS | |
prdcssrjournalentryfiscalyear | Preceding Journal Entry Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
predecessorjournalentry | Preceding Journal Entry Document Number | BELNR | |
predecessorjournalentryitem | Preceding Journal Entry Line Item | DOCLN6 | |
accountingdocumentitem | Journal Entry Posting View Item | BUZEI | |
invoiceitemreference | Invoice Item Reference | BUZEI | |
invoicereference | Invoice Reference | BELNR | |
invoicereferencefiscalyear | Invoice Reference Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
clearingaccountingdocument | Clearing Journal Entry | BELNR | |
clearingdocfiscalyear | Fiscal Year of Clearing Journal Entry | GJAHR | |
financialvaluationobjecttype | Type of the Financial Valuation Object | VAL_OBJ_TYPE | |
financialvaluationobject | Identifier of the Financial Valuation Object | VAL_OBJ_ID | |
financialvaluationsubobject | Identifier of the Financial Valuation Subobject | VAL_SUBOBJ_ID | |
housebank | House Bank Key | HBKID | |
housebankaccount | House Bank Account | HKTID | |
costctractivitytype | Activity Type | LSTAR | |
wbselementinternalid | WBS Element Internal ID | FIS_WBSINT_NO_CONV | |
financialtransactiontype | Financial Transaction Type | RMVCT | |
jointventure | Joint venture | JV_NAME | |
jointventureequitygroup | Joint Venture Equity Group | JV_EGROUP | |
partnerventure | Partner Venture | JV_NAME | |
jointventurepartner | Joint Venture Partner | KUNNR | |
jointventurecostrecoverycode | Joint Venture Cost Recovery Code | JV_RECIND | |
projectnetwork | Network Number for Account Assignment | AUFNR | |
relatednetworkactivity | Network activity | VORNR | |
orderid | Order ID | AUFNR | |
businessprocess | Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
salesorder | Sales Order | VBELN | |
salesorderitem | Sales Order Item | POSNR | |
costobject | Cost Object | KSTRG | |
costcenter | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
profitcenter | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
functionalarea | Functional Area | FKBER | |
businessarea | Business Area | GSBER | |
controllingarea | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
segment | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
partnercostcenter | Partner Cost Center | KOSTL | |
partnerprofitcenter | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
partnerfunctionalarea | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
partnerbusinessarea | Partner Business Area | GSBER | |
partnercompany | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
partnersegment | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
supplier | Supplier | LIFNR | |
customer | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
wbselement | WBS Element | FIS_WBS | |
rebusinessentity | Business Entity Number | REBDBENO | |
realestatebuilding | Number of Building | REBDBUNO | |
realestateproperty | Number of Land | REBDPRNO | |
fund | Fund | BP_GEBER | |
budgetperiod | Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
grantid | Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
pubsecbudgetaccount | Budget Account | SAKNR | |
cashledgeraccount | Cash Origin Account | SAKNR | |
sponsoredprogram | Sponsored Program | GM_SPONSORED_PROG | |
sponsoredclass | Sponsored Class | GM_SPONSORED_CLASS | |
plant | Plant | WERKS | |
product | Material Number | MATNR | |
shiptoparty | Ship-to Party | KUNNR | |
relatednetworkactivityinternal | Closing run Internal hepler field for NPLNR_VORGN | CHAR33 | |
line_type | Financial closing valuation line type | CHAR50 | |
creditriskclass | Credit Risk Class | UKM_RISK_CLASS | |
generalledgeragingincrement | Aging Increment | FINS_INCRMNT | |
expectedcreditlosspercent | Expected Credit Loss Percentage | | |
taxcode | Tax on Sales/Purchases Code | MWSKZ | |
taxcountry | Tax Reporting Country/Region | LAND1 | |
partnerfund | Partner Fund | BP_GEBER | |
partnergrant | Partner Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
cashledgercompanycode | Cash Origin Company Code | BUKRS | |