
Schema Elements Metadata | view: SRFV_SCHELEMENT | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Statutory Reporting Framework (Run Time)
Column Name Description
StatryRptSchema Schema definition identificator
StatryRptSchemaVersion Schema Version Show values
StatryRptSchemaElementId Element identificator
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
StatryRptSchemaVersion Schema Version Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
StatryRptSchemaElementName Element name SRF_ELEMENT_NAME
StatryRptSchemaOrdinalNumber Ordinal number of the entity SRF_ORDINAL_NUMBER
StatryRptSchemaElementMaxOccur Maximum number of occurences SRF_OCCURS
StatryRptSchemaParentElementId Identificator of a parent elememt SRF_ELEMENT_ID
StatryRptSchemaElementTypeId Type Identificator SRF_TYPE_ID
StatryRptSchemaRefElementId Reference element identificator SRF_REFERENCE_ELEMENT_ID