
Trigger for IOT based situations | view: RIOTSITTR | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Interface for creating IoT based Situations in S/4
Tables used: PUR_IOT_NOTIF
Column Name Description
IotEventUUID UUID of an IoT event
IotEventType IOT event type
IotEvent Id of an IoT event
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
LastChangeDate Date on which the record was created
LastChangeTime Entry time
Column Name Description
ResponsibleParty IoT Responsible for Situation Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SalesOrder Sales Order VBELN
SalesOrderItem Sales Document Item
SalesOrderItemUUID GUID in 'CHAR' Format in Uppercase SYSUUID_C
PurchaseOrder Purchase Order Number EBELN
PurchaseOrderItem Item Number of Purchasing Document
Customer Customer Number KUNNR
CustomerName Name 1 of organization
Material Material Number
MaterialDescription Material Description
Delivery Delivery VBELN
DeliveryItem Delivery Item
HandlingUnitExternalID External Handling Unit Identification EXIDV
Warehouse Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex /SCWM/LGNUM
StorageLocation Storage location LGORT
Plant Plant WERKS
Longitude EPM: Longitude D_LAT_LON
Latitude EPM: Latitude D_LAT_LON
IotSensorMeasuredQuantity Value from Sensor CHAR10
IotSensorThresholdQuantity Sensor Threshold CHAR10