
Released CDS based BW Queries: view/ddlsource of query/cube | view: RSRTS_CDS_QRY | Extraction: Not supported | Component: OLAP Technology
Column Name Description
compid Name (ID) of a reporting component
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
infoprovider InfoCube RSINFOCUBE
ddlname Name of a DDL Source PROGNAME
view_name Name of the ABAP Dictionary object OBJECTNAME
sql_view_name Name of the ABAP Dictionary object OBJECTNAME
cube_ddlname Name of a DDL Source PROGNAME
cube_view_name Name of the ABAP Dictionary object OBJECTNAME
cube_sql_view_name Name of the ABAP Dictionary object OBJECTNAME
description Short Description of Repository Objects AS4TEXT
enduser_text_label DD: Value of an Annotation