
Committed Delivery Perferformance | view: PSDPERFCMTDEL | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Sales
Column Name Description
SalesOrder FK Sales Document
SalesOrderItem Sales Document Item
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CommittedDeliveryDate Delivery Date that the Supplier has Committed to
Column Name Description
SlsDocItmDelivFlfmtSts Processing Status of Sales Order Item Delivery Fulfillment Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SoldToParty Sold-to Party KUNNR
SalesOrganization Sales Organization VKORG
DistributionChannel Distribution Channel VTWEG
OrganizationDivision Division SPART
SalesOffice Sales office VKBUR
SalesGroup Sales group VKGRP
SalesDocumentType Sales Document Type AUART
NrOfDlvrdAsCmtdSlsDocItems Number of Sales Order Items Delivered as Committed
NrOfDelivCmtdSlsDocItems Number of Sales Order Items Committed for Delivery
SlsDocItemsDlvrdAsCmtdRatio Order Quantity: Lower Limit (%) for Alert Threshold SD_ORDQTYALRTLOWRLMTRATIOINPCT
CalendarYear Calendar Year NUM4
CalendarQuarter Calendar Quarter NUM1
YearQuarter Year Quarter NUM5