
Process FLow for Sales Order and Purchase Order Relationship | view: PSDPOPROCFLW | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Sales Analytics
Tables used: VBFA
Column Name Description
DocRelationshipUUID SD Unique Document Relationship Identification
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
PrecedingDocumentCategory Document Category of Preceding SD Document Show values
SubsequentDocumentCategory Document Category of Subsequent Document Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PrecedingDocument Preceding sales and distribution document VBELN
PrecedingDocumentItem Preceding Item of an SD Document POSNR
SubsequentDocument Subsequent Sales and Distribution Document VBELN
SubsequentDocumentItem Item Number of Purchasing Document EBELP
Original Subsequent Item of an SD Document POSNR
ProcessFlowLevel Level of the document flow record NUM2