
Maintained attributes of teams and subteams of cur usr | view: PRSMALTMMNTATRI | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Responsibility Management
Column Name Description
RespyMgmtTeamID Object ID
RespyMgmtReferenceAttribName FK Responsibility Definition Name
RespyMgmtAttributeSign Type of SIGN component in row type of a Ranges type Show values
RespyMgmtAttributeOption Type of OPTION component in row type of a Ranges type Show values
RespyMgmtAttributeLowValue Start Value of Selection Criteria
RespyMgmtAttributeHighValue End Value of Selection Criteria
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
RespyMgmtAttributeSign Type of SIGN component in row type of a Ranges type Show values
RespyMgmtAttributeOption Type of OPTION component in row type of a Ranges type Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
RespyMgmtTeamType Team Type RSM_DO_TEAM_TYPE