
Distinct and Non-distinct POB | view: PRASCHEDITEMSUB | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Revenue Accounting
Column Name Description
PerformanceObligation null
FiscalYear Fiscal Year
FiscalPeriod Posting period
RevenueAccountingContract Revenue Contract
Column Name Description
AllocatedPriceInSalesDocCrcy null
ContractualPrcInSlsDocCrcy null
PerfOblgnFaceAmtInSlsDocCrcy null
RATotalCostInSlsDocCrcy Total Cost
TolRecognizedCostPerPerd null
RAOpenRevnInSlsDocCrcy Open Revenue up to the Current Period
RAOpenCostInSlsDocCrcy Open Cost
PerPerdInvoicedAmtInSlsDocCrcy Inoviced Amount of the Period
DeltaRecognizedAmtInSlsDocCrcy Recognizable Revenue up to the Current Period
RecgdCatchUpAmtInSlsDocCrcy Amount of Retrospective Revenue Catch-up
PostedRevnInSlsDocCrcy Posted Revenue
PostponedRevnAmtInSlsDocCrcy null
RADeltaRecgdCostInSlsDocCrcy Recognizable Cost
RAPostedCostInSlsDocCrcy Posted Cost
PostponedCostAmtInSlsDocCrcy null
UpToCurPeriodRecognizedRevenue null
TotRecgdCatchUpAmtInSlsDocCrcy null
Column Name Description
📏 Unit of Measure (RatioUnit):
PerfOblgnEffectiveQuantity Effective Quantity
PerfOblgnDeltaInvoicedQuantity Invoiced Quantity of the Period
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
RAPerfOblgnDistinctType Performance Obligation Composition Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
RAHigherLevelPerfOblgn null
FiscalYearPeriod Fiscal Year Period FIS_JAHRPER_CONV
FiscalYearPeriodCompoundText Fiscal Year Period
RevnAcctgSenderComponent Sender Component of Source Item FARR_SRCCO
RevnAcctgOperationalDocument Operational Document FARR_HEADER_ID
RAOperationalDocumentItem Item ID of Source Document for Revenue Accounting Item FARR_ITEM_ID
RANumberOfOperationalDocument Number Of Operational Documents SYST_LONG