
Draft | view: PPRDSALESTAXD | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Material Master
Tables used: PRD_SALES_TAX
Column Name Description
Draftkey NodeID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Hasactiveentity Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ') Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
RootDraftKey NodeID /BOBF/CONF_KEY
ActiveProduct Product Number MATNR
ActiveCountry Departure Country/Region (from which the goods are sent) LAND1
ActiveTaxCategory Tax Category KSCHL
ParentDraftKey NodeID /BOBF/CONF_KEY
sourcelocationcountry Departure Country/Region (from which the goods are sent) LAND1
taxclassificationcategory Tax Category KSCHL
taxclassification Tax classification of the Product TAXKM
ProductTaxClassification Tax classification of the material TAXKM