FinInstrProductGroupName | Name of the Financial Instrument Product Group | TEXT50 | |
TreasuryPostingStatusName | Name of the Posting Status | TEXT15 | |
TreasuryUpdateTypeName | Name of the Update Type | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TreasuryGLAccountAssignmentRef | Account Assignment Reference of Position Management | TPM_AA_REF | |
TreasuryGLAccountAssignRefName | Name of the Account Assignment Reference | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TreasuryPostingCategoryName | Name of the Posting Category | DDTEXT | |
TreasuryGLAccountSymbolName | Name of the Account Symbol | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
PostingKey | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
PostingKeyName | Posting Key Name | TEXT20 | |
GLAccount | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | |
GLAccountLongName | Description of a GL Account | TEXT50 | |
TreasuryTransactionFlow | Number of a Distributor Flow | TPM_TRDFLOWNR | |
AccountingDocument | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
ReverseDocument | Reverse Document | BELNR | |
JournalEntryType | Document Type | BLART | |
AccountingDocumentTypeName | Document Type Name | TEXT20 | |
Customer | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
PaymentTerms | Terms of payment key | ZTERM | |
PaymentMethod | Payment Method | ZLSCH | |
PaymentMethodName | Payment Method Name | TEXT30 | |
PaymentMethodSupplement | Payment method supplement | UZAWE | |
PaymentMethodSupplementName | Name of the Payment Method Supplement | TEXT30 | |
PaymentBlockingReason | Payment Block Key | ZAHLS | |
PaymentBlockingReasonName | Name of a Payment Block Reason | TEXT20 | |
PayerPayee | Payer/Payee | BU_PARTNER | |
PayerPayeeFullName | Full Name of the Payer / Payee | TEXT80 | |
BPBankAccountInternalID | Partner Bank Details | BVTYP | |
HouseBank | Short Key for Own House Bank | HBKID | |
HouseBankAccount | Short Key for House Bank Account | HKTID | |
StateCentralBankPaymentReason | State Central Bank Indicator | LZBKZ | |
SupplyingCountry | Supplying Country/Region | LAND1 | |
CountryName | Country/Region Name | TEXT50 | |
AssignmentReference | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
JournalEntryItemText | Journal Entry Item Text | TEXT50 | |
BusinessArea | Business Area | GSBER | |
BusinessAreaName | Business Area Description | TEXT30 | |
CostCenter | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
CostCenterName | Name of a Cost Center | TEXT20 | |
FinancialTransactionType | Transaction Type (FI) | RMVCT | |
FinancialTransactionTypeName | Name of a Transaction Type (FI) | TEXT20 | |
PartnerCompany | Company ID | RCOMP | |
CompanyName | Company name | TEXT30 | |
Counterparty | Counterparty number | BU_PARTNER | |
CounterpartyFullName | Full Name of the Counterparty | TEXT80 | |
Issuer | Issuer Identity Key | BU_PARTNER | |
IssuerFullName | Full Name of the Issuer | TEXT80 | |
SpecialGLCode | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
SpecialGLCodeName | Name of a Special GL Code | TEXT30 | |
TreasuryBusinessTransaction | Identifier of the Distributor Business Transaction | SYSUUID | |
TreasuryValuationArea | Treasury Valuation Area | TPM_VAL_AREA | |
TreasuryValuationAreaName | Name of the Valuation Area | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
ReferenceDocument | Reference document number | AWREF | |
ReferenceDocumentContext | Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
FiscalPeriod | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
FiscalYear | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
ReversalReferenceDocument | Reversal: Reference Document No. of Document to Be Reversed | AWREF | |
ReversalReferenceDocumentCntxt | Reversal: Reference Organizations of Document to Be Reversed | AWORG | |
ReverseDocumentFiscalPeriod | Reverse Document Fiscal Period | MONAT | |
ReverseDocumentFiscalYear | Reverse Document Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
Ledger | Ledger | RLDNR | |
AccountingPrinciple | Accounting Principle | ACCOUNTING_PRINCIPLE | |
TreasuryBusTransCategoryName | Name of Business Transaction Category | TPM_DESCRIPTION | |
DocumentHeaderText | Document Header Text | TEXT25 | |
DocumentReference | Reference Document Number | XBLNR1 | |
FinancialInstrValClassName | Name of the Financial Instrument Valuation Class | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TreasuryValuationClassName | Name of the Valuation Class | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
CompanyCodeName | Company Code Name | TEXT25 | |
FinancialInstrProdTypeName | Name of the Product Type | TEXT30 | |
SecurityAccountName | Name of the Security Account | XLDEPO | |
SecurityClassName | Name of the Security Class | XKBEZ | |
SecurityClassDescription | Description of the Security Class | XLBEZ | |
DifferentiationPortfolioName | Name of the Portfolio as Differentiation Characteristic | TEXT30 | |
SecurityAccountGroupName | Name of Securities Account Group | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
LoanContractName | Name of the Loan Contract | XTEXT50 | |
TreasuryPositionAccountName | Name of the Futures Account for Listed Options and Futures | TEXT30 | |
Fund | Fund | BP_GEBER | |
FundName | Name of a Fund | TEXT20 | |
GrantID | Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
CentralClearingAccount | Central Clearing Account | FTR_GEN_CNTRL_CLEARING_ACCOUNT | |
CentralClearingAccountName | Name of the Central Clearing Account | TEXT30 | |
ActivityFinancialTransaction | Activity-Triggering Financial Transaction | T_RFHA | |
FinancialInstrTransTypeName | Name of Financial Instrument Transaction Type | T_XTEXT30 | |
FinancialInstrCharacteristic | Financial Instrument Free Characteristic | CHAR25 | |
FinancialInstrumentReference | Financial Instrument Free Internal Reference | CHAR16 | |
FinancialInstrumentAssignment | Free Assignment of Financial Transaction | TEXT18 | |
LetterOfCredit | Letter of Credit Number | FTR_LC_NUMBER | |
HedgingClassificationName | Name of the Hedging Classification | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
CreatedByUser | Entered By | SYCHAR12 | |
LastChangedByUser | Employee ID | SYCHAR12 | |
PaymentRequest | Payment Request | PRQ_KEYNO | |
PaytReqOriglReferenceDocument | Payment Request Reference Key | AWKEY | |
TrsyPaytRequestGroupingName | Name of the Payment Request Grouping | TEXT30 | |
PaymentRequestPaymentGroup | Payment Group | CHAR20 | |
ConsideredPaymentMethods | List of Respected Payment Methods | ZWELS | |
PaytReqAdditionalInstructions | Additional Payment Instructions | RPCODE | |
PaytReqAddlInstructionsName | Name of the Additional Payment Instructions | TEXT50 | |
BankClearingGLAccount | G/L Account for Bank Clearing Account | SAKNR | |
TrsyPaytRequestRelStatusName | Name of the Payment Request Release Status | TEXT15 | |
TrsyPosFreeDefinedAttribute7 | Free Defined Attribute 7 | CHAR30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDefinedAttribute8 | Free Defined Attribute 8 | CHAR30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDefinedAttribute9 | Free Defined Attribute 9 | CHAR30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute1Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 1 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute2Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 2 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute3Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 3 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute4Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 4 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute5Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 5 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute6Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 6 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
FinancialExposureItem | Exposure Item ID | TOE_EXPOSURE_ITEM_ID | |
FinancialExposureItemName | Exposure Item Description | TOE_DESCRIPTION | |
FinancialExposureSubItem | Exposure Subitem ID | TOE_EXPOSURE_SUBITEM_ID | |
FinancialExposureSubItemName | Exposure Subitem Name | TOE_EXPOSURE_SUBITEM_DESCR | |