EndOfDaySnapshotDateTimeFrom | Timestamp defining a End-of-day snapshot | TZNTSTMPS | |
EndOfDaySnapshotDateTimeTo | Timestamp defining a End-of-day snapshot | TZNTSTMPS | |
CompanyCode | Company Code | BUKRS | |
SalesOrganization | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
DistributionChannel | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
Division | Division | SPART | |
Creditor | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
SoldToParty | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
Material | Material Number | MATNR | |
Commodity | Commodity | TBA_STOEFFCHEN | |
PhysicalCommodity | Physical Commodity | TBA_STOEFFCHEN | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
StorageLocation | Storage location | LGORT | |
Batch | Batch Number | CHARG | |
GoodsMovementType | Movement type (inventory management) | BWART | |
IncotermsClassification | Incoterms (Part 1) | INCO1 | |
IncotermsTransferLocation | Incoterms (Part 2) | INCO2 | |
SourceDocument | Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
SourceDocumentItem | null | | |
SourceDocumentBusObjType | Document (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
OriginReferenceDocument | Root Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
OriginReferenceDocBusObjType | Root Document (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
OriginReferenceDocumentItem | Root Document Item | CMM_VLOGP_ROOT_ITEM | |
ReferenceDocument | Predecessor Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
ReferenceDocumentItem | Predecessor Document Item | CMM_VLOGP_REF_ITEM | |
ReferenceDocBusObjType | Ref (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
DeliveryYear | Abjusted Reporting Year | | |
DeliveryMonth | Adjusted Reporting Month | CHAR3 | |
ProfitCenter | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
BusinessArea | Business Area | GSBER | |
PurchasingOrganization | Purchasing organization | EKORG | |
MaterialGroup | Material Group | MATKL | |
ConditionTermRate | Price | | |
MarketToDocExchRate | Exchange Rate: Market to Document Currency | | |
ConditionTermRateQuantity | Price Unit | | |
DocToStatisticalExchRate | Exchange Rate: Document to Statistics Currency | | |
SystemMessageNumber | System Message Number | | |
BasisID | Basis ID | TBAC_BASIS_ID | |
DerivativeContrSpecification | Derivative Contract Specification ID | TBA_DCSID | |
MarketIdentifierCode | Market Identifier Code | TBA_MIC | |
DerivativeContractMaturityCode | Contract Maturity Code | TBA_CONTRACT_CODE | |
MTMConditionGroup | MtM Condition Group | CMM_MTM_CGROUP | |
MTMCalculationGroup | MtM Calculation Group | CMM_MTM_CGROUP | |
SourceTransactionEventDateTime | Valid-From Timestamp | TZNTSTMPS | |
SourceTransacEventEndDateTime | Valid-To Timestamp | TZNTSTMPS | |
QuantitySign | Sign of Quantity | CMM_VLOGP_SIGNAGE_QTY | |
LoadDataCaptureObjectID | Load Data Capture Object ID | /ACCGO/D_UIS_ID | |
netpriceexpsrquantity | null | | |
ApplicationDocument | Application Document Number | /ACCGO/D_APPLDOC | |
ApplicationDocumentItem | null | | |
LDCId | Load Data Capture Object ID | /ACCGO/D_UIS_ID | |
StockRefDocument | Reference Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
StockRefDocumentItem | null | | |
RefDocumentYear | null | | |
StockRefDocType | Reference Document (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
splititemlinenumber | Split Line Number | | |
CmmdtyTransptDriverID | Driver Name | /ACCGO/D_DRIVER | |
VehicleLicensePlateNumber | License Plate Number | /ACCGO/D_LICENSE_PLATE | |
VehicleId | Vehicle Number | /ACCGO/D_VEH_NO | |
TruckRailBargeId | Truck/Rail/Barge ID | /ACCGO/D_TRUCK_RAIL_BARGE_ID | |
CmmdtyTransptVesselID | Vessel Name | /ACCGO/D_VESSEL_NAME | |
LoadDataCaptureEventDateTime | LDC Event Date Time | CHAR20 | |
GrossQuantity | null | | |
MarketConditionTermRate | null | | |
PremDiscRateInValSchedCrcy | null | | |
PremDiscToDocExchRate | null | | |
MarketValueInStstCcurrency | null | | |
PremDiscValueInStstCcurrency | null | | |
MarketValueInDoCcurrency | null | | |
PremDiscValueInDocCurrency | null | | |
NetValueInStstcCurrency | null | | |
NetValueInDocCurrency | null | | |
DiscPremQtyValueCharacters | Characteristic Values - Value Schedule | CHAR1333 | |
DiscPremQtyVolumeCharacters | Characteristic Values - Volume Schedule | CHAR1333 | |
DiscPremQtyValueScheduleName | DPQS Schedule Name | /ACCGO/D_SCHEDULE_NAME | |
DiscPremQtyVolumeScheduleName | DPQS Schedule Name | /ACCGO/D_SCHEDULE_NAME | |
ConditionTermFactor | null | | |
IncrmtlRateInDocCrcy | null | | |