JITCtrlCycLifeCycStsTxt | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
PlantName | Plant Name | TEXT30 | |
ProductName | Product Description | TEXT40 | |
ProductionSupplyAreaName | Production Supply Area Name | TEXT40 | |
UnloadingPointName | Unloading Point | TEXT25 | |
AutomotiveLoadingPoint | Loading Point | | |
ReplenishmentStrategy | Just-In-Time replenishment strategy for stock transfer | NJIT_STCK_TRANSFER_REPL_STRAT | |
ReplenishmentStrategyDesc | Just-In Time replenishment strategy description | TEXT40 | |
StorageType | null | | |
StorageTypeName | null | | |
StorageBin | Destination Storage Bin | /SCWM/LGPLA | |
StoringPositionName | Storing Position | TEXT25 | |
SourceStorageBin | Source Storage Bin | /SCWM/LGPLA | |
SourceProductionSupplyArea | Source Production Supply Area for Kanban Stock Transfers | PRVBE | |
SourceSupplyAreaName | Production Supply Area Name | TEXT40 | |
ExtProcurementReplnmtStrgy | Just-In-Time replenishment strategy for external procurement | NJIT_EXT_PROC_REPL_STRAT | |
JITExternalReplenishment | JIT External Replenishment Indicator | ABAP_BOOL | |
LastChangedByUserName | ID of the user that performed the last changes | XUBNAME | |
UserDescription | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
LastChangeDateTime | Last Change Timestamp | TZNTSTMPL | |
NumberOfLoadCarriers | Number of Load Carriers | ANZLT | |
JITContainerDesc | Product Description | TEXT40 | |
StorageLocationName | Storage Location Name | TEXT16 | |
JITActionCtrl | Action Control | NJIT_ACT_CNTRL | |
JITActionCtrlText | Action Control Description | TEXT40 | |
Threshold | Lower tolerance lvl betw. requested qty and replenished qty | PK_RPL_QTY_LOWER_TOLERANCE_LVL | |
JITReqQtyUpperToleranceLvl | Upper tolerance lvl betw. requested qty and supplied qty | PK_SPL_QTY_UPPER_TOLERANCE_LVL | |
JITReqQtyLowerToleranceLvl | Lower tolerance lvl betw. requested qty and supplied qty | PK_SPL_QTY_LOWER_TOLERANCE_LVL | |
MinimumQuantityVolume | null | | |
IsPartiallyDelivered | Indicator that states if partial goods receipt is allowed | ABAP_BOOL | |
MaxNumberOfOpenJITCalls | Maximum Number of Open Calls | INT4 | |
NumberOfActiveJITCalls | null | | |
RequestedDeliveryDateTime | null | | |
JITSupplyDateTime | Supply Date and Time | TZNTSTMPL | |
JITCallImmediateRequest | Indicator to denote the JIT call sent as Immediate Request | ABAP_BOOL | |
JITCallPriorityID | Delivery Priority | LPRIO | |
JITCallProfileDesc | JIT call profile long text | TEXT40 | |
ReplnmtLeadTimeInWorkdays | Replenishment Lead Time in Workdays | DEC3 | |
ReplnmtLeadTimeInHoursAndMins | null | | |
ReplnmtLeadTimeInHours | null | | |
ReplnmtLeadTimeInMinutes | null | | |
JITControlCycleCategoryText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
PlanningHorizonTime | null | | |
PlanningHorizonTimeInHours | null | | |
PlanningHorizonTimeInMinutes | null | | |
ReplnmtSafetyTimeInDays | Safety Time in Days | DEC03_2 | |
ReplnmtSafetyTimeInMins | null | | |
SafetyTimeInHours | null | | |
SafetyTimeInMinutes | null | | |
JITPlanningProcedureText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
JITOutbCommunicationGroup | Communication Group | NJIT_COMMUNICATION_GROUP | |
JITOutbCommunicationGroupDesc | Description Communication group | TEXT60 | |
Supplier | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
SupplierName | Name of Supplier | TEXT80 | |
JITProdnOffstInHoursAndMins | null | | |
JITProdnOffstTimeInHours | Time in Hours or minutes | CHAR30 | |
JITProdnOffstTimeInMinutes | Time in Hours or minutes | CHAR30 | |
JITInternalReplenishment | JIT External Replenishment Indicator | ABAP_BOOL | |