CnsldtnReferenceJrnlEntry | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
ConsolidationDocumentNumber | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
CnsldtnTaskLogItemType | null | | |
FinancialClosingLineItemType | null | | |
CnsldtnTaskLogItemTypeTxt | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
BillingDocumentTypeText | Billing Type | FKART | |
CnsldtnCustomerText | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
SupplierName | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
WBSElementInternalID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |
AssignmentReference | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
SoldProduct | Product Sold | MATNR | |
SoldProductGroup | Product Sold Group | MATKL | |
BillToParty | Bill-to Party | KUNNR | |
ShipToParty | Ship-to Party | KUNNR | |
CnsldtnTskLgItmRowNmbr | Row Number | FINCS_ROWID | |
CnsldtnTskLgNode | Node | SYSUUID_C32 | |
CnsldtnTskLgParNode | Node | SYSUUID_C32 | |
ConsolidationLedger | Ledger | RLDNR | |
ConsolidationDimension | Dimension | FC_DIMEN | |
ConsolidationVersion | Version | RVERS | |
ConsolidationUnit | Consolidation Unit | FC_BUNIT | |
ConsolidationChartOfAccounts | Consolidation Chart of Accounts | FC_ITCLG | |
FinancialStatementItem | Financial Statement Item | FC_ITEM | |
PartnerConsolidationUnit | Partner Unit | FC_BUNIT | |
ConsolidationGroup | Consolidation Group | FC_CONGR | |
CompanyCode | Original company code | BUKRS | |
SubItemCategory | Subitem Category | FC_SITYP | |
SubItem | Subitem | FC_SITEM | |
ConsolidationDocumentType | Document Type | FC_DOCTY | |
ConsolidationAcquisitionYear | Year of Acquisition | GJAHR | |
ConsolidationAcquisitionPeriod | Period of Acquisition | NUM03 | |
InvesteeConsolidationUnit | Investee Unit | FC_BUNIT | |
InvestmentActivity | Consolidation of Investments Activity Number | BELNR | |
ChartOfAccountsText | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
GLAccountText | Account Number | SAKNR | |
CostCenterText | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
ProfitCenterText | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
FunctionalAreaText | Functional Area | FKBER | |
BusinessAreaText | Business Area | GSBER | |
ControllingAreaText | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
CnsldtnSegmentText | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
PartnerCostCenter | Sender cost center | KOSTL | |
PartnerProfitCenterText | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
PartnerFunctionalAreaText | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
PartnerBusinessAreaText | Trading partner's business area | GSBER | |
PartnerCompanyText | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
PartnerSegmentText | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
OrderID | Order Number | AUFNR | |
CnsldtnMaterialText | Material Number | MATNR | |
MaterialGroupName | Material Group | MATKL | |
CnsldtnPlantText | Plant | WERKS | |
FinancialTransactionType | Transaction type | RMVCT | |
PartnerWBSElementDescription | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
CnsldtnProjectText | Project definition | PS_PSPID | |
SalesOrganizationText | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
DistributionChannelText | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
OrganizationDivisionText | Division | SPART | |
SoldMaterial | Product Sold | MATNR | |
ProductGroupText | Product Sold Group | MATKL | |
CustomerGroup | Customer Group | KDGRP | |
CustomerSupplierCountry | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
CustomerSupplierIndustry | Industry key | BRSCH | |
SalesDistrictText | Sales District | BZIRK | |
CustomerSupplierCorporateGroup | Group key | KONZS | |
CnsldtnTaskLogItemIsLatest | Latest Record Indicator | CHAR1 | |
SystemMessageIdentification | ABAP System Field: Message ID | ARBGB | |
SystemMessageNumber | Message number | MSGNR | |
SystemMessageVariable1 | ABAP System Field: Message Variable | SYCHAR50 | |
SystemMessageVariable2 | ABAP System Field: Message Variable | SYCHAR50 | |
SystemMessageVariable3 | ABAP System Field: Message Variable | SYCHAR50 | |
SystemMessageVariable4 | ABAP System Field: Message Variable | SYCHAR50 | |
SortField | null | | |
CnsldtnTskLgMsgID | null | | |
PostingFiscalYear | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
PostingFiscalPeriod | Posting period | POPER | |
FiscalYearPeriod | Fiscal Year Period | FINCS_FISCALYEARPER | |
SystemMessageTypeSortOrder | null | | |