WarehouseProcessType | Warehouse Process Type | /SCWM/DO_PROCTY | |
WarehouseProcessCategory | Warehouse Process Category | /SCWM/LVS_TRART | |
StorageProcess | Storage Process | /SCWM/DO_PRCES | |
ExternalStorageProcessStep | External Storage Process Step | /SCWM/DO_PROCS | |
CreatedByUser | Created By | UNAME | |
CreationDateTime | Creation Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
ExecutingResource | Executing Resource (Means of Transport or User) | /SCWM/DO_RSRC | |
WarehouseMovementsReason | Reason for Movements in the Warehouse | /SCWM/DO_REASON | |
StockItemUUID | GUID Stock Item | | |
CurrentNumberOfKeyTable | Current Nummer of Key Table | | |
ProductUUID | Product | /SCMB/MDL_MATID_CE | |
ProductName | Product Number | MATNR | |
ProductBatch | Batch | /SCWM/DO_BATCHID | |
StockType | Stock Type | /LIME/STOCK_CATEGORY | |
StockDocumentNumber | null | | |
StockItemNumber | null | | |
StockUsage | Stock Usage | /LIME/STOCK_USAGE | |
StockOwner | Owner | /SCMB/DO_BU_PARTNER | |
EntitledToDisposeParty | Party Entitled to Dispose | BU_PARTNER | |
IsBusinessPurposeCompleted | null | | |
CounterForStockSeparation | Counter for Stock Separation | | |
Batch | Batch | /SCWM/DO_CHARG | |
WhseTaskCapacityConsumption | Capacity Consumption | /SCWM/DO_DEC15 | |
WhseTaskGoodsReceiptDateTime | Date and Time of Goods Receipt | TZNTSTMPS | |
CountryOfOrigin | Country/Region of Origin | LAND1 | |
QualityInspectionDocUUID | Identification of a Quality Object | | |
StockIdentificationOfWhseTask | Stock Identification of Warehouse Task | | |
ConsolidationGroup | Consolidation Group | | |
SourceHndlgUnitLogicalPosition | Source Logical Position of Handling Unit in Storage Bin | | |
SourceResource | Source Resource (Means of Transport or User) | /SCWM/DO_RSRC | |
SourceTransportationUnit | Source Transportation Unit (Internal) | /SCWM/DO_TU_NUM | |
SourceHandlingUnitUUID | Unique Internal Identification of a Handling Unit | | |
SourceHandlingUnit | null | | |
DestHndlgUnitLogicalPosition | Destination Logical Position of Handling Unit in Storage Bin | | |
DestinationResource | Destination Resource (Means of Transport or User) | /SCWM/DO_RSRC | |
DestinationTransportationUnit | Destination Transportation Unit (Internal) | /SCWM/DO_TU_NUM | |
DestinationHandlingUnitUUID | Unique Internal Identification of a Handling Unit | | |
ReferenceDocumentUUID | Doc. Identification for Document-Related Stocks | /SCWM/DO_DOCID | |
ReferenceDocumentItemUUID | Document Item for Document-Related Stocks | | |
Wave | Numeric Character Field, Length 10 | NUMC10 | |
WaveItem | null | | |
DocumentReltdStockDocUUID | Doc. Identification for Document-Related Stocks | /SCWM/DO_DOCID | |
DocumentReltdStockDocItemUUID | Document Item for Document-Related Stocks | | |
StockIdentificationNumber | Identification Number of Stock | | |
WarehouseTaskUUID | Unique Internal Identification of a Warehouse Task | | |
ConveyorTechniqueSegment | Conveyor Technique Segment | /SCWM/DO_MFSCS | |
ProductionSupplyArea | Production Supply Area | /SCWM/DO_PSA | |
ProductionOrder | null | | |
WhseTaskCrtnWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WhseTaskChgWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WhseTaskConfWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WhseTskPlndClsgWhseTmznDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
Kanban | Unique Kanban ID | /SCMB/DM_KANBAN_ID | |
ActivityArea | Activity Area | /SCWM/DO_AAREA | |
Queue | Queue | /SCWM/DO_QUEUE | |
WarehouseOrder | Warehouse Order Number | /SCWM/DO_WHO_CONV_ALPHA | |
LogicalRecordProgramName | Table Log Record: Program Name | PROGRAMM | |
LogicalRecordTransactionCode | Table Log Record: Transaction Code | TCODE | |
EWMDummyFuncForStructureExtn | Dummy function in length 1 | DUMMY | |
CertificateText | Certificate Number | /SCWM/LVS_ZEUGN | |
LastChangeDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WarehouseActivityType | Activity | /SCWM/DO_ACTTY | |
ConfirmedByUser | null | | |
ConfirmationUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
Processor | null | | |
WarehouseTaskExceptionCode | null | | |
BusinessContext | null | | |
BusinessContextExecutionStep | null | | |
ExecutingResourceGroup | null | | |
ExecutingResourceType | null | | |
WhseTaskPlannedClosingDateTime | Planned Closing Date/Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
WhseOrderLatestStartDateTime | Latest Starting Date (LSD) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WhseOrderHigherLevelWhseOrder | Warehouse Order Number of Higher-Level Warehouse Order | /SCWM/DO_WHO_CONV_ALPHA | |
WarehouseOrderStartDateTime | Start Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
WarehouseOrderQueue | Queue | /SCWM/DO_QUEUE | |
WrhsOrdCrtnUTCDateTime | Creation Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
SourceStorageBinAisle | Storage Bin Aisle | /SCWM/DO_AISLE | |
SourceStorageBinStack | Storage Bin Stack | /SCWM/DO_STACK | |
SourceStorageBinLevel | Storage Bin Level | /SCWM/DO_LEVEL | |
DestinationStorageBinAisle | Storage Bin Aisle | /SCWM/DO_AISLE | |
DestinationStorageBinStack | Storage Bin Stack | /SCWM/DO_STACK | |
DestinationStorageBinLevel | Storage Bin Level | /SCWM/DO_LEVEL | |
PlndPickCompltnUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndPackCompletionUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndStagingCompltnUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndLoadCompletionUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WaveActlReleasedUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WaveTemplate | Numeric Character Field, Length 10 | NUMC10 | |
WaveCutoffWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WavePlndRelWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndPickCmpltWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndPackCmpltWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndStggCmpltWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WaveCompletionWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WaveActualReldWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
OpenMod | null | | |
ConfirmedMod | null | | |
WhseTaskOverdueHours | null | | |