DeliveryCategory | Document Category | /SCDL/DL_DOCCAT | |
OutboundDeliveryOrderItem | Item Number | /SCDL/DL_ITEMNO | |
OutbDeliveryOrderItemCategory | Item Category | /SCDL/DL_ITEMCAT | |
OutboundDeliveryOrderItemType | Item Type | /SCDL/DL_ITEMTYPE | |
Product | Product | /SCMB/MDL_PRODUCT_NO | |
ProductBatch | Batch Number | /SCDL/DL_BATCHNO | |
Warehouse | Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
WarehouseDoor | Warehouse Door | /SCWM/DO_DOOR | |
StagingArea | Staging Area | /SCWM/LGBER | |
StagingAreaGroup | Staging Area Group | /SCWM/LGTYP | |
GoodsIssueStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
CompletionStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
OutboundDeliveryOrder | Document Number | /SCDL/DL_DOCNO_INT | |
EntitledToDisposeParty | Party Entitled to Dispose | BU_PARTNER | |
WarehouseProcessType | Warehouse Process Type | /SCWM/DO_PROCTY | |
ShippingCondition | Shipping Condition | /SCDL/DL_SERVICE_LEVEL_CODE | |
PlannedPickingStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
ItemWaveAssignmentIsIncomplete | null | | |
WrhsTmznPlndGIStrtDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndGoodsIssueStartUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
ActlGoodsIssueStartUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WrhsTmznActlGIStrtDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
EWMWhseTmznActlGIEndDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
WrhsTimeZonePlndGImins | null | | |
WrhsTimeZoneActualGImins | null | | |
OutboundDeliveryOrderType | Document Type | /SCDL/DL_DOCTYPE | |
WrhsTmznCreationDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
ShipToParty | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
ShipToPartyName | Name 1 of organization | BU_NAME | |
Carrier | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
CarrierName | Name 1 of organization | BU_NAME | |
TimeZoneID | Time Zone | TZNZONE | |
Wave | null | | |
OutboundDelivery | Document Number | /SCDL/DL_DOCNO_INT | |
OutboundDeliveryItem | Item Number | /SCDL/DL_ITEMNO | |
MeansOfTransportType | Means of Transport | /SCDL/DL_TRANSMEANS_TYPE | |
MeansOfTransport | Means-of-Transport ID | /SCDL/DL_TRANSMEANS_ID | |
Route | Route Name (Identification) | /SCMB/DO_ID | |
RouteSchedule | Departure Calendar/Route Schedule | TSTRID | |
PickingStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
OverallBlockStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
TranspPlanBlockStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
ItemInconsistencyBlkStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
GoodsMovementBlockStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
UncheckedItemBlockStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
DeliveryCreationStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
TransitProcedureStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
LoadingStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
PickingAndDistributionStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
WarehouseActivityStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
GlobalTradeServicesCheckStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
TransportationUnitAssgmtStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
ValuationQtyAssignmentStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
ValueAddedServiceOrderStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
OverallDeliveryStatus | null | | |
GoodsIssueDelayInSeconds | null | | |
EWMPlndGoodsIssueDateIsInPast | Planned GI Time Is in Past (Oubound Delivery Order) | | |
EWMActGoodsIssueDateIsOnTime | Actual Goods Issue Is on Time (Outbound Delivery Order) | | |
EWMQuantityHasAdjustment | Delivery Quantity Has Adjustments | CHAR1 | |