
WIP (2) - NPI Amnt + Calc Billable and JornlEntrLink values | view: PEBRRPROJWIPNPI | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Event-Based Revenue Recognition
Column Name Description
Ledger Ledger in General Ledger Accounting
CompanyCode Company Code
FiscalYear Fiscal Year
AccountingDocument Document Number of an Accounting Document
LedgerGLLineItem Six-Character Posting Item for Ledger
Column Name Description
💲 Document Currency (DocumentCurrency):
OriginalRevenueAmtInDocCrcy Original Revenue
BillableRevenueAmtInDocCrcy null
BilledRevenueAmtInDocCrcy null
BillgReqdRevenueAmtInDocCrcy null
WrittenOffRevenueAmtInDocCrcy null
Column Name Description
📏 Unit of measure (QuantityUnit):
ToBeBilledQuantity Project Billing Element Entry: To be Billed Quantity
Column Name Description
ServicesRenderedDate Date on which services are rendered
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ProjBillgElmntEntrItmUUID Project Billing Element Entry UUID RAW16
BillingWBSElementInternalID WBS Element PS_S4_PSPNR
Material Material Number MATNR