
CAS Relevancy: Prepare Data | view: PCASRELPREPDATA | Extraction: Not supported | Component: SAP Agricultural Contract Management
Tables used: CMM_VLOGP
Column Name Description
PricingKey A key required to access versioned pricing data
Version Version of an MtM Valuation Record
PricingDocumentItem Condition item number
ConditionType Condition Type
SubConditionType The key of a sub-condition type
VersStockRecordUUID GUID assigned to the VlogP stock delta record
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
SourceDocument Document CMM_MTM_OBJID
SourceDocumentIn10Characters Number of Material Document BELNR
SourceDocumentItem Source document item
SourceDocumentYear Material Document Year GJAHR
GoodsMovementType Movement type (inventory management) BWART
ScenarioIsNonCASRelevant null