
Technical Object Change History | view: ITECHOBJCHNHIST | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Equipment
Column Name Description
ChangeDocObject Object Value
ChangeDocument FK Change Number of Document
DatabaseTable Table Name
ChangeDocDatabaseTableField Field Name
ChangeDocItemChangeType Type of Change Show values
CreationDate Creation date of the change document
CreationTime Time changed
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CreationDate Creation date of the change document
CreationTime Time changed
Column Name Description
ChangeDocItemChangeType Type of Change Show values
StatusIsInactive Indicator: Status Is Inactive Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ChangeDocObjectClass Object class OBJECTCL
ChangeDocNewFieldValue New contents of changed field FIELDVAL
ChangeDocPreviousFieldValue Old contents of changed field FIELDVAL
ChangeDocTableKey Changed table record key CHAR70
MaintObjectChangeTypeCode null
CreatedByUser User name of the person responsible in change document CHAR12
CharcDescription Characteristic Description TEXT30
Class Class number KLASSE
StatusName Object status TEXT30
StatusProfile Status Profile J_STSMA