ConditionTypeName | Description | TEXT30 | |
AccessNumberOfAccessSequence | Access sequence - Access number | KOLNR_LONG | |
ConditionSequentialNumber | Sequential Number of the Condition | NUM03 | |
ConditionScaleLine | Current number of the line scale | | |
ConditionQuantity | Condition Pricing Unit | KPEIN | |
ConditionText | Description | | |
PaymentTerms | Terms of payment key | ZTERM | |
PaymentTermsName | Description of terms of payment | TEXT30 | |
AdditionalValueDays | Additional Value Days | TAGE2 | |
ConditionCalculationTypeName | Description of a Condition Calculation Type | PRC_DESCRIPTION_30 | |
ConditionScaleRateValue | Condition Amount or Percentage | VFPRC_DEC_VALUE | |
DepartureCountry | Departure Country/Region (from which the goods are sent) | LAND1 | |
DepartureCountryName | Country/Region Name | TEXT50 | |
SalesDocument | Sales Document | VBELN | |
SalesDocumentItem | Sales Document Item | POSNR | |
SalesDocumentItemText | Short text for sales order item | TEXT40 | |
BillableControl | Accounting Indicator | BEMOT | |
BillableControlName | Accounting Indicator Description | TEXT25 | |
Industry | Industry key | BRSCH | |
IndustryKeyText | Description of the Industry Key | TEXT20 | |
CityCode | City Code | CITYC | |
CityCodeName | Description | TEXT20 | |
ConditionContract | Condition Contract | WCB_COCO_NUM | |
County | County Code | COUNC | |
CountyName | Description | TEXT20 | |
EngagementProject | Commercial Project ID | /CPD/MP_ID | |
EngagementProjectName | Customer Project Name | /CPD/SHORT_TEXT | |
ConfigurationNumber | Configuration (internal object number) | CUOBJ | |
BR_NFDocumentType | Document type | J_1BDOCTYP | |
BRSpcfcFreeDefinedField1 | Dynamic Key Field 1 | J_1BVALUE | |
BRSpcfcFreeDefinedField2 | Dynamic Key Field 2 | J_1BVALUE | |
BRSpcfcFreeDefinedField3 | Dynamic Key Field 3 | J_1BVALUE | |
InternationalArticleNumber | International Article Number (EAN/UPC) | EAN11 | |
TechnicalObjectType | Type of Technical Object | EQART | |
TechnicalObjectTypeDesc | Text for Object Type | TEXT20 | |
Equipment | Equipment Number | EQUNR | |
EquipmentName | Description of technical object | TEXT40 | |
CustomerHierarchy | Customer | KUNNR | |
IncotermsClassification | Incoterms (Part 1) | INCO1 | |
IncotermsClassificationName | Description | TEXT30 | |
IncotermsTransferLocation | Incoterms (Part 2) | INCO2 | |
AccountTaxType | Tax type | J_1AFITP | |
TxRlvnceClassfctnForArgentina | Tax relevant classification | J_1ATXREL | |
BR_TaxCode | SD tax code | J_1BTXSDC | |
LocalSalesTaxApplicabilityCode | LST CST applicability code | J_1ISTCODE | |
CustomerGroup | Customer Group | KDGRP | |
CustomerGroupName | Name | TEXT20 | |
CustomerPriceGroup | Customer Price Group | KONDA | |
CustomerPriceGroupName | Description | TEXT20 | |
MaterialPricingGroup | Product Pricing Group | KONDM | |
MaterialPricingGroupName | Description | TEXT20 | |
SoldToParty | Sold-to Party | KUNNR | |
SoldToPartyName | Name of Customer | TEXT80 | |
BPForSoldToParty | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
Customer | Customer number | KUNNR | |
CustomerName | Name of Customer | TEXT80 | |
BPForCustomer | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
PayerParty | Payer | KUNNR | |
PayerPartyName | Name of Customer | TEXT80 | |
BPForPayerParty | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
ShipToParty | Ship-to Party | KUNNR | |
ShipToPartyName | Name of Customer | TEXT80 | |
BPForShipToParty | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
Supplier | Vendor's account number | LIFNR | |
SupplierName | Name of Supplier | TEXT80 | |
BPForSupplier | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
DestinationCountry | Destination Country/Region | LAND1 | |
DestinationCountryName | Country/Region Name | TEXT50 | |
MaterialGroup | Product Group | | |
MaterialGroupName | Material Group Description | TEXT20 | |
Material | Product Number | | |
MaterialName | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
ReturnsRefundExtent | Returns Refund Code | MSR_RETURNS_REFUND_CODE | |
ReturnsRefundExtentDesc | Refund Code Description | TEXT60 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup1 | Product Group 1 | MVGR1 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup1Name | Description | TEXT40 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup2 | Product Group 2 | MVGR2 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup2Name | Description | TEXT40 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup3 | Product Group 3 | MVGR3 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup3Name | Description | TEXT40 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup4 | Product Group 4 | MVGR4 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup4Name | Description | TEXT40 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup5 | Product Group 5 | MVGR5 | |
AdditionalMaterialGroup5Name | Description | TEXT40 | |
Personnel | Personnel Number | PERNR | |
PersonFullName | Full Name | TEXT80 | |
PriceListType | Price List Type | PLTYP | |
PriceListTypeName | Text (20 Characters) | TEXT20 | |
PostalCode | Postal Code | PSTLZ | |
Region | Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | |
RegionName | Description | TEXT20 | |
EngagementProjectServiceOrg | Service Organization | /CPD/PWS_WS_ORG_UNIT_ID | |
EngmtProjectServiceOrgName | Description of Organization Unit ID | /CPD/PWS_WS_ORG_UNIT_ID_DESC | |
RequirementSegment | Requirement Segment | SGT_SRCA | |
StockSegment | Stock Segment | SGT_SRCA | |
Division | Division | SPART | |
DivisionName | Division Description | TEXT20 | |
CommodityCode | Commodity Code | /SAPSLL/CCNGN | |
CommodityCodeText | Description | TEXT40 | |
ConsumptionTaxCtrlCode | Control code for consumption taxes in foreign trade | STEUC | |
BRSpcfcTxGrpDynTaxExceptions | Tax Group for Dynamic Tax Exceptions | J_1BTXGRP | |
CustomerTaxClassification1 | Tax Classification 1 for Customer | TAXKD | |
CustomerTaxClassification2 | Tax Classification 2 for Customer | TAXKD | |
CustomerTaxClassification3 | Tax Classification 3 for Customer | TAXKD | |
CustomerTaxClassification4 | Tax Classification 4 for Customer | TAXKD | |
ProductTaxClassification1 | Tax classification material | TAXKM | |
ProductTaxClassification2 | Tax Classification 2 for Material | TAXKM | |
ProductTaxClassification3 | Tax Classification 3 for Material | TAXKM | |
ProductTaxClassification4 | Tax Classification 4 for Material | TAXKM | |
TradingContract | Trading Contract | TKONN | |
TradingContractItem | Item Number of Trading Contract | TPOSN | |
TaxJurisdiction | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | |
TaxJurisdictionName | Description | TEXT50 | |
BRSpcfcTaxDepartureRegion | Ship from location (tax region) | J_1BTXREG | |
BRSpcfcTaxDestinationRegion | Ship to location (tax region) | J_1BTXREG | |
MainItemMaterialPricingGroup | Material pricing group of main item | | |
MainItmMatlPricingGroupName | Description | TEXT20 | |
MainItemPricingRefMaterial | Pricing reference material of main item | | |
MainItemPricingRefMaterialName | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
VariantCondition | Variant Condition Key | VARCON | |
VariantConditionName | Variant Condition Key | VARCON | |
ValueAddedServiceChargeCode | VAS Charge Codes | FSH_VAS_CHRG_CODE | |
SDDocument | Sales and Distribution Document Number | VBELN | |
ReferenceSDDocument | Document number of the reference document | VBELN | |
ReferenceSDDocumentItem | Item number of the reference item | POSNR | |
SalesOffice | Sales office | VKBUR | |
SalesOfficeName | Description | TEXT20 | |
SalesGroup | Sales group | VKGRP | |
SalesGroupName | Description | TEXT20 | |
SalesOrganization | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
SalesOrganizationName | Description | TEXT20 | |
SalesOrderSalesOrganization | Sales organization of sales order | VKORG | |
SlsOrderSalesOrganizationName | Name | TEXT20 | |
OrderQuantityUnitName | Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 30 Characters) | TEXT30 | |
DistributionChannel | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
DistributionChannelName | Description | TEXT20 | |
TransactionCurrencyName | Long Text | TEXT40 | |
WBSElementInternalID | WBS Billing Element | | |
WBSDescription | PS: Short description (1st text line) | TEXT40 | |
WBSElementExternalID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) Edited | PS_POSID_EDIT | |
WorkPackage | Plan Item | | |
WorkPackageName | PS: Short description (1st text line) | TEXT40 | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
PlantName | Name | TEXT30 | |
PlantRegion | Region in which plant is located | REGIO | |
PlantRegionName | Description | TEXT20 | |
WorkItem | Work Item ID | /CPD/PFP_WORKITEM_ID | |
WorkItemName | Work Item Name | /CPD/PFP_WORKITEM_NAME | |
ConditionProcessingStatus | Processing status for conditions | KBSTAT | |
ConditionScaleBasisValue | Condition Scale Base Value | NUM07 | |
TaxCode | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
ServiceDocument | Transaction ID | CRM_OBJECT_ID | |
ServiceDocumentItem | Shortened Item Number in Document | CRMS4_NUMBER_INT | |
TimeSheetOvertimeCategory | Overtime Category | CATS_OVERTIME_CATEGORY | |
TimeSheetOvertimeCategoryText | Overtime Category Description | TEXT50 | |
SDDocumentCategoryName | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
ReturnReason | Return Reason | MSR_RETURNS_REASON | |
ProductHierarchyNode | Product hierarchy | PRODH | |
ProductHierarchyNodeText | Product Hierarchy Node Value Text | PROD_HIER_NODE_VALUE_TEXT | |
CustomerConditionGroup | Customer Attribute for Condition Groups | | |
ShippingType | Shipping Type | VERSART | |
ShippingTypeName | Shipping Type Description | TEXT20 | |
SubscriptionContractDuration | Numerical Value of Duration | CRM_PROV_DURATION | |
SubscriptionContractLockReason | Lock Reason | IST_LOCK_REASON | |
CrsCtlgMappgPriceVersionNumber | Price Version | IST_PRICE_VRS | |
PhysDocFileName | Filename | ESH_D_FL_FILENAME | |
ETag | Character field of length 40 | CHAR40 | |