
Real Estate Building/Land Help | view: IREINTOBJLVL1VH | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Flexible Real Estate Management
Column Name Description
InternalRealEstateNumberLvl1 Internal Key of Real Estate Object
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ValidityStartDateLvl1 Validity Start Date
ValidityEndDateLvl1 Validity End Date
Column Name Description
REIntegrationObjectType Integration Object Type Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
RealEstateExternalIDLvl1 Integration Object External Identification REIPEXTID
REIntegrationObjectNumberLvl1 Integration Object Number
REIntegObjectBuildingName Integration Object Name (Short)
REIntegObjectLandName Integration Object Name (Short)
REIntegrationObjectName Integration Object Name (Short) REIPXSOBJECT
REAuthorizationGroup Authorization Group RECAAUTHGRP
REIntegrationObjectNumberLvl0 Integration Object Number REIPIONR
InternalRealEstateNumberLvl0 Internal Key of Real Estate Object RECAINTRENO
REIntegObjectSiteName Integration Object Name (Short)