
RA Allocated Amount Distribution Detail | view: IRAADISTDTL | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Revenue Accounting
Column Name Description
PerformanceObligation Performance Obligation
RevenueAccountingContract Revenue Contract
RevnAcctgContrChangeEffctvDate When the Contract Change became Effective
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (SalesDocumentCurrency):
ContractualPrcInSlsDocCrcy Contractual Price
AllocatedPriceInSalesDocCrcy Allocated Amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
RevnAcctgContrChangeEffctvDate When the Contract Change became Effective
Column Name Description
RAPerfOblgnDistinctType Performance Obligation Composition Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
CompanyCode Company Code BUKRS
RAHigherLevelPerfOblgn Higher-Level Performance Obligation ID FARR_POB_ID
PerformanceObligationClass Performance Obligation Name FARR_POB_NAME