
Prepayment Appr Doc Transactional view | view: IPPMGAPPDTP | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Prepayment agreements
Tables used: PPMGAG_T_APP_DOC
Column Name Description
PrepaymentAgrmtDocUUID UUID serving as key (parent key, root key)
Column Name Description
💲 Prepayment Agreement Currency (PrepaymentAgreementCurrency):
PrepaymentAgreementAmount Prepayment Agreement Amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PrepaymentApprovalUUID UUID serving as key (parent key, root key) SYSUUID
PrepaymentAgrmtDistrUUID UUID serving as key (parent key, root key) SYSUUID
SAPBusinessObjectTypeCode SAP Object Representation SBO_OBJ_NAME
PrepaymentPostedDocument Posted Document Number PPMGAG_D_POSTEDDOC
PrepaymentReversedDocument Reversed Document Number PPMGAG_D_REVEDDOC
CompanyCode Company Code BUKRS
FiscalYear Fiscal Year GJAHR
CreatedByUser Created By USNAM
CreationDateTime Timestamp of Record Creation TZNTSTMPS
LastChangedByUser Last Changed By (User ID) USNAM
LastChangeDateTime Timestamp of Last Change TZNTSTMPS