
Market Roll | view: ICMMMKTROLL | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Basic Functions
Tables used: CMM_MARKET_ROLL
Column Name Description
MarketNormBusinessEntityKey Entity Key determining the Market Norm
DeliveryPeriodStartDate Start of Delivery Period for which the Market Norm applies
DerivativeContrSpecification Derivative Contract Specification ID
MarketIdentifierCode Market Identifier Code
OldMarketNormQuotationGroup Quot.Group for calculating the rate for the Old Market Norm
MarketNormValidityStartDate From-Date of Validity for which a Market Norm applies
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DeliveryPeriodStartDate Start of Delivery Period for which the Market Norm applies
MarketNormValidityStartDate From-Date of Validity for which a Market Norm applies
MarketNormValidityEndDate To-Date of Validity for which a Market Norm applies
NewMarketNormMaturityKeyDate Key Date of New Market Norm
OldMarketNormMaturityKeyDate Key Date of New Market Norm
QuotationPeriodReferenceDate Reference Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
NewMarketNormQuotationGroup Quot.Group for calculating the rate for the New Market Norm CHAR40
MarketSpreadQuotationGroup Quot.Group for calculating the Spread betw. Old/New Mkt Norm CHAR40
MarketNormValidityStrtDateTime Valid-From Timestamp TZNTSTMPS