
Maintenance Planning Bucket | view: IMAINTPLNGBKT | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Plant Maintenance
Tables used: EAM_PLNGBKT
Column Name Description
MaintPlanningBucketUUID UUID in X form (binary)
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
MaintPlngBucketGenerationDate Date based on which the planning bucket was calculated
Column Name Description
MaintPlanningBucketType Maintenance Planning Bucket Type Show values
MaintPlngBucketRecurrenceType Specifies the recurrence of the planning bucket, e.g. weekly Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
MaintenancePlanningPlant Maintenance Planning Plant WERKS
MaintPlngBucketLabel Label used for identifying the Maintenance Planning Bucket EAM_PLNGBKTLABEL
MaintPlanningBucketDescription Description of the Maintenance Planning Bucket TEXT40
RefMaintPlanningBucket UUID in X form (binary) SYSUUID
MaintPlngBucketLabelPattern Template used for the labels of generated planning buckets
NrOfMaintPlngBucketsInAdvance Number of planning buckets the system will create in advance
MaintPlngBucketStartDateTime Start of the Maintenance Planning Bucket TZNTSTMPS
MaintPlngBucketDuration Duration of the Maintenance Planning Bucket
MaintPlngBucketEndDateTime End of the Maintenance Planning Bucket TZNTSTMPS
LastChangeDateTime Date and time the planning bucket was last changed TZNTSTMPS
MaintPlngBucketSortUUID Sort field SYSUUID
MaintPlngBcktRcrrcInterval Specifies the interval of recurrence, e.g. every 3 weeks