ExternalJITCallNumber | External Call Number | TEXT35 | |
ExternalJITCallNumberForFilter | External Call Number | TEXT35 | |
ShipToParty | Ship-to Party | KUNNR | |
SoldToParty | null | | |
VehicleIdentificationNumber | Vehicle Identification Number (Vehicle Identification No.) | TEXT35 | |
VehicleModel | Vehicle Model | MATNR | |
JITPlannedOrderNumber | JIT Planned Order | NJIT_PLANNED_ORDER | |
JITVehicleSeqDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
JITIntSequenceNumber | Internal Sequence Number | TEXT35 | |
SalesOrganization | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
DistributionChannel | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
Division | Division | SPART | |
UnloadingPointName | Unloading Point | TEXT25 | |
CustomerPartnerDescription | Customer description of partner (plant, storage location) | KNREF | |
MatlUsageIndicator | Usage Indicator | ABRVW | |
ActiveSupplier | null | | |
JITCallImmediateRequest | Indicator to denote the JIT call sent as Immediate Request | ABAP_BOOL | |
JITCallPriorityID | Delivery Priority | LPRIO | |
CreatedByUser | User Name | UNAME | |
CreationDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
LastChangedByUser | User Name | UNAME | |
LastChangedByUserDescription | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
CreatedByUserDescription | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
LastChangeDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
JITLifeCycleStatusCriticality | null | | |
JITMissingPrtCriticality | null | | |
ReplenishmentStrategy | null | | |
JITCallProcessingLogID | null | | |
JITExtSequenceNumber | External Sequence Number | TEXT35 | |
RequirementDateTime | Requirement Date and Time | TZNTSTMPL | |
JITSupplyDateTime | Supply Date and Time | TZNTSTMPL | |
WarehouseNumber | Destination EWM Warehouse number | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
CompGrpMatl | Components Group Material | MATNR | |
StorageLocation | Storage location | LGORT | |
JITControlCycle | Control Cycle | PKNUM | |
ProductionSupplyArea | Production Supply Area | PRVBE | |
JITOutbDestinationStorLoc | Destination Storage Location | LGORT | |
JITActionCtrl | Action Control | NJIT_ACT_CNTRL | |
JITIntStatusUpdtdOn | Internal Processing Status Updated On | TZNTSTMPL | |
JITIntProcessingStatus | Internal Processing Status | NJIT_INT_STAT | |
Material | Material Number | MATNR | |