Task | view: ISLM_P_TASK | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management
Column Name Description
guid ISLM Entity globally unique identifier
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
auto_activate Task flag to indicate automatic Model Version activation Show values
activate Task flag to indicicate Model Version activation status Show values
ref_entity_type Reference Entity Type Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
parent_guid ISLM parent entity globally unique identifier ISLM2_D_CHAR36
name ISLM Entity Name ISLM_D_CHAR256
description ISLM Entity Description ISLM2_D_CHAR1333
type ISLM Entity Type ISLM2_D_CHAR30
creation_time Creation Date UTC time stamp TZNTSTMPL
last_modification_time Last modified UTC time stamp TZNTSTMPL
status ISLM Entity Status ISLM2_D_PS_STATUS
task_type Task Type CHAR20S
synchronous Task Synchronous Mode Flag CHAR1
output_mode Task Apply Output Mode CHAR20
reference ISLM Entity globally unique identifier ISLM2_D_CHAR36
created_reference ISLM Entity globally unique identifier ISLM2_D_CHAR36
bindings Bindings as a serialized JSON object ISLM_D_STRING
message ISLM Message object as a serialized JSON object ISLM_D_STRING
additional_info Serialized JSON object ISLM_D_STRING
ref_entity_id Reference Entity Id ISLM2_D_CHAR36