
Financial Overview - Payment | view: IICLFOPAYT | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Claims Management
Column Name Description
InsuranceClaim FK Number of Claim
InsurClmSubclm Subclaim of Payment
InsurClmPayt Number of Claim Payment
Column Name Description
InsurClmPaytAmt Outgoing Payment Amount
InsurClmSalvagePaytAmt Incoming Salvage Payment Amount
InsurClmRecoveryPaytAmt Other Recovery Payment Amount (Excluding Subrogation)
InsurClmSubrogtnRcvryPaytAmt Incoming Subrogation/Recovery Payment Amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
InsurClmLossExpnType Losses or Expenses Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
InsurClmLossExpnTypeName Flag: Loss/Expense Description DDTEXT
InsurClmIsSalvage null
InsurClmIsSubrogation null