Warehouse | Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
EWMWarehouse | Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
InboundDelivery | Document Number | /SCDL/DL_DOCNO_INT | |
EWMInboundDelivery | Document Number | /SCDL/DL_DOCNO_INT | |
InboundDeliveryItem | Item Number | /SCDL/DL_ITEMNO | |
EWMInboundDeliveryItem | Item Number | /SCDL/DL_ITEMNO | |
DeliveryDocumentCategory | Document Category | /SCDL/DL_DOCCAT | |
DeliveryItemCategory | Item Category | /SCDL/DL_ITEMCAT | |
EWMInboundDeliveryItemCategory | Item Category | /SCDL/DL_ITEMCAT | |
InboundDeliveryItemType | Item Type | /SCDL/DL_ITEMTYPE | |
EWMInboundDeliveryItemType | Item Type | /SCDL/DL_ITEMTYPE | |
WarehouseProcessType | Warehouse Process Type | /SCWM/DO_PROCTY | |
WarehouseDoor | Warehouse Door | /SCWM/DO_DOOR | |
StagingAreaGroup | Staging Area Group | /SCWM/LGTYP | |
StagingArea | Staging Area | /SCWM/LGBER | |
StagingBay | Staging Bay | /SCWM/LGPLA | |
GoodsMovementBin | Storage Bin of Goods Movement Posting | /SCWM/LGPLA | |
Product | Product | /SCMB/MDL_PRODUCT_NO | |
ProductExternalID | Character field of length 40 | CHAR40 | |
Batch | Batch Number | /SCDL/DL_BATCHNO | |
CountryOfOrigin | Country/Region of Origin | LAND1 | |
EntitledToDisposeParty | Party Entitled to Dispose | BU_PARTNER | |
StockOwner | Owner | /SCMB/DO_BU_PARTNER | |
EWMStockOwner | Owner | /SCMB/DO_BU_PARTNER | |
StockType | Stock Type | /SCDL/DL_STOCK_CATEGORY | |
EWMStockType | Stock Type | /SCDL/DL_STOCK_CATEGORY | |
StockUsage | Stock Usage | /SCDL/DL_STOCK_USAGE | |
StockDocumentNumber | Number of the Sales Order or Project for Special Stock | | |
StockItemNumber | Sales Order Item for Sales Order Stock | | |
SpecialStockIdfgSalesOrder | null | | |
SpecialStockIdfgSalesOrderItem | null | | |
CompletionStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
GoodsReceiptStatus | Status Value | /SCDL/DL_STATUS_VALUE | |
LastChangeTime | UTC Date and Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
EWMDelivLastChangeUTCDateTime | UTC Date and Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
InbDelivItemCrtnUTCDateTime | UTC Date and Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
PlndGREndWhseTmznDateTime | Date and Time of Planned Goods Receipt | TZNTSTMPS | |
UnloadingEndWhseTmznDateTime | End Date and Time of Unloading | TZNTSTMPS | |
PutawayEndWhseTmznDateTime | End Date and Time of Putaway | TZNTSTMPS | |
ActualGREndWhseTmznDateTime | Goods Receipt Ended On | TZNTSTMPS | |
InbDelivItmCmpltWhseTmznDteTme | Completion Date and Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
PurchasingDocument | Reference Document Number | /SCDL/DL_DOCNO_EXT | |
PurchasingDocumentItem | Reference Item Number | /SCDL/DL_ITEMNO | |