
Chg Doc for Project Elements of Ent Proj | view: IENTPRJELMCD | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Virtual Data Model for Portfolio and Project Mgmnt
Column Name Description
ChangeDocObject Object Value
ChangeDocObjectClass Object class
ChangeDocument FK Change Number of Document
DatabaseTable Table Name
ChangeDocTableKey Changed table record key
ChangeDocDatabaseTableField Field Name
ChangeDocItemChangeType Type of Change Show values
ProjectUUID Entity Guid
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
LastChangeDate Creation date of the change document
LastChangeTime Time changed
Column Name Description
ChangeDocItemChangeType Type of Change Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ProjectSummaryTaskUUID Entity Guid /S4PPM/GUID
Project Identification of Entities /S4PPM/EXTERNAL_ID
ProjectName Description /S4PPM/NAME
ProjectElementUUID Entity Guid /S4PPM/GUID
ProjectElement Identification of Entities /S4PPM/EXTERNAL_ID
ProjectElementName Description /S4PPM/NAME
ChangeDocumentOldFieldValue Old contents of changed field
ChangeDocumentNewFieldValue New contents of changed field
LastChangedByUser User name of the person responsible in change document CHAR12
LastChangeDateTime Change Document (Created On) TZNTSTMPL
IsProjectMilestone Milestone flag CHAR1
ControllingArea Controlling area for WBS element CACCD
ProfitCenter Profit Center PRCTR