
Calculation Result for CMS Object | view: ICOLOBJCALCD | TRAN | Extraction: Full or Incremental | Component: Collateral Management System
Column Name Description
CollateralObjectUUID CMS-Basel II: Object GUID
Column Name Description
💲 Calculations Result Currency (CollateralObjectCurrency):
ObjectAssetAmount Final Asset Value
ObjectAssetLendingAmt Lending value Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingLimit1Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingLimit2Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingLimit3Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingLimit4Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingLimit5Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingRange1Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingRange2Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingRange3Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingRange4Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetLendingRange5Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingAmt Lending value Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingLimit1Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingLimit2Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingLimit3Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingLimit4Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingLimit5Amt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingRange1Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingRange2Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingRange3Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingRange4Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjectAssetPrtLendingRange5Amt Lending Range calculation for Asset
ObjAstFreeLendgLmtCurRskAmt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
ObjAstFreeLendgLmtMaxRskAmt Lending Limit Calculation for Asset
RblCoverageGapCurRiskAmt Coverage Gap Calculation for RBL
RblCoverageGapMaxRiskAmt Coverage Gap Calculation for RBL
AgreementCollateralCurRiskAmt Collateral Value Calculation for CAG
AgreementCollateralMaxRiskAmt Collateral Value Calculation for CAG
AgreementGuarLendingCurRiskAmt Lending value calculation Guarantee
AgreementGuarLendingMaxRiskAmt Lending value calculation Guarantee
AgreementGuarLendgLmtCurRskAmt Lending limit calculation for Guarantee
AgreementGuarLendgLmtMaxRskAmt Lending limit calculation for Guarantee
AgrmtLoanToValAgrmtCurRskAmt Loan to value ratio for cag as amount
AgrmtLoanToValAgrmtMaxRskAmt Loan to value ratio for cag as amount
AgrLoaToValPriorChrgCurRskAmt Loan to value ratio with ref to prior charge: as amount
AgrLoaToValPriorChrgMaxRskAmt Loan to value ratio with ref to prior charge: as amount
AgreementLoanToValRblCurRskAmt Loan to value ratio with ref to RBL : as amount
AgreementLoanToValRblMaxRskAmt Loan to value ratio with ref to RBL : as amount
AgrmtDistrdColltrlCurRskAmt Distributed Collateral value
AgrmtDistrdColltrlMaxRskAmt Distributed Collateral value
AgrmtColltrlRightsCurRskAmt Collateral Right Determined for CAG
AgrmtColltrlRightsMaxRskAmt Collateral Right Determined for CAG
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CollateralObjCalcLastChgdDate Date on which last change was done
CollateralObjCalcLastChgdTime Time at which last change was made
Column Name Description
CollateralObjectType CMS Object Type Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
CollateralConstellationUUID Constellation GUID SYSUUID
ObjectAssetType Asset Type CMS_AST_TYP
ObjectAssetParentUUID Asset Guid as a parent GUID for a sub-asset SYSUUID
ObjAstFreeLendgLmtCurRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
ObjAstFreeLendgLmtMaxRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
CollateralRblCreditSystem Credit System CMS_RBL_CRDSYS
CollateralReceivableID Receivable ID CMS_RBLID
RblCoverageGapCurRiskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
RblCoverageGapMaxRiskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
RblCollateralRatioCurRiskPct Collateralization Ratio CMS_PCT
RblCollateralRatioMaxRiskPct Collateralization Ratio CMS_PCT
AgreementCollateralCurRiskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgreementCollateralMaxRiskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgreementGuarLendingCurRiskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgreementGuarLendingMaxRiskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgreementGuarLendgLmtCurRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgreementGuarLendgLmtMaxRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgrmtLoanToValAgrmtCurRskPct Loan to value ratio for cag as percentage CMS_RES_PCT
AgrmtLoanToValAgrmtMaxRskPct Loan to value ratio for cag as percentage CMS_RES_PCT
AgrLoaToValPriorChrgRskCurPct Loan to value ratio with ref to prior charge: as pct CMS_PCT
AgrLoaToValPriorChrgMaxRskPct Loan to value ratio with ref to prior charge: as pct CMS_PCT
AgreementLoanToValRblCurRskPct Loan to value ratio with ref to RBL: as pct CMS_PCT
AgreementLoanToValRblMaxRskPct Loan to value ratio with ref to RBL: as pct CMS_PCT
AgrmtDistrdColltrlCurRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgrmtDistrdColltrlMaxRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgreementCvrgRatioCurRiskPct Coverage ratio of collateral agreements CMS_PCT
AgreementCvrgRatioMaxRiskPct Coverage ratio of collateral agreements CMS_PCT
AgrmtColltrlRightsCurRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
AgrmtColltrlRightsMaxRskPct Calculations Result as Pecentage CMS_PCT
CollateralObjCalcLastChangedBy Last Changed By CMS_USER
ObjectAssetReferenceSystem Object System Reference ID CMS_SYS