
CPE Term Used Exchange Rate | view: ICPETERMEXCHRATE | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Commodity Pricing Engine
Tables used: CPED_EXCHRATE
Column Name Description
CndnExchRatePerdDetnResultUUID CPE Term - GUID for Result of Period Determination
PrcgCndnTrmExchRateDateTime Exchange Rate Time Stamp
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CndnTrmExchRateIsNonTradingDay CPE - Indicates a non-trading day Show values
PrcgCndnTrmExchRateIsMissing CPE - Indicates that the Exchange Rate is missing Show values
CndnTrmExchRateIsSubstituted CPE - Indicates that the Exchange Rate is substituted Show values
PrcgCndnTrmExchRateIsIgnored CPE - Indicates that the exchange rate is ignored Show values
PrcgCndnTrmExchRateFcstStatus Status of Quotation or Exchange Rate Forecast Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PrcgConditionExchangeRateType Exchange Rate Type KURST
PricingConditionExchangeRate CPE - Exchange Rate Used for Currency Conversion CPE_CONVFACTOR
NumberOfSourceCurrencyUnits Ratio for the "from" currency units DEC9
NumberOfTargetCurrencyUnits Ratio for the "to" currency units DEC9
CndnTrmExchRateSubstnDateTime Substitution Time Stamp TZNTSTMPS
PrcgConditionSwapExchangeRate Swap Exchange Rate UKURS_WO_CONV_EXIT
PrcgConditionSpotExchangeRate Spot Exchange Rate UKURS_WO_CONV_EXIT
DocItemCommodityPricingUUID CPE Caller - GUID of Document Item SYSUUID
ConditionType CPE: Condition Type for Commodity Pricing KSCHL
PricingConditionTerm CPE Term - Number in Formula NUMC5