
Variant Config Product Instance | view: ICFEVARCNPRODINS | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Characteristic-Based Field Extensibility
Column Name Description
ProductConfiguration IB: Component (instance)
CharcInternalID Characteristic Internal ID
CharcValue Characteristic Value
CharcFromNumericValue Internal floating point from
CharcToNumericValue Internal floating point value to
Column Name Description
💲 Currency Key (Currency):
CharcFromAmount Lower Boundary for Currency Field
CharcToAmount Upper Boundary For Currency Field
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CharcFromDate Lower Boundary for Date-Interval
CharcToDate Upper Boundary for Date-Interval
CharcFromTime Lower Boundary for Time-Interval
CharcToTime Upper Boundary for Time-Interval
VariantConfigurationDate Valid-From Date
Column Name Description
CharcValueIntervalType IB: Interval limits Show values
BusObjIsVarConfignOwner Truth Value: True/False Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
VariantConfignInstanceProduct null
Characteristic Characteristic Name ATNAM
ClassType Class Type KLASSENART
CharcFromDecimalValue Lower Boundary for Numeric Field DEC_VALUE
CharcToDecimalValue Upper Boundary for Numeric Field DEC_VALUE
VarConfigurationParentInstance IB: Superior component IB_INSTANCE
VarConfigurationRootInstance IB: Top-most component of an installed base/IBase IB_INSTANCE
VarConfignInstceBusObjectKey IB: Key of a Referencing Object CHAR50
VarConfignInstceBusObjectType IB: External Type of a (Referencing) Object CHAR10