ParentDraftUUID | UUID serving as key (parent key, root key) | SYSUUID | |
Material | Material Number | MATNR | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
BillOfMaterialVariantUsage | BOM Usage | STLAN | |
BillOfMaterial | Bill of Material | STNUM | |
BillOfMaterialVariant | Alternative BOM | ALTNR | |
BillOfMaterialVersion | BOM Version | CS_VERSN | |
BillOfMaterialItemNodeNumber | BOM item node number | KNTNR | |
BOMItemInternalChangeCount | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | |
EngineeringChangeDocument | Change Number | AENNR | |
ChgToEngineeringChgDocument | Change Number To | AENNR | |
InheritedNodeNumberForBOMItem | Inherited node number of BOM item | KNTNR | |
BOMItemCreatedByUser | User who created record | USNAM | |
BOMItemLastChangedByUser | Name of Person Who Changed Object | USNAM | |
BillOfMaterialComponent | BOM component | MATNR | |
BillOfMaterialItemCategory | Item category (bill of material) | POSTP | |
BillOfMaterialItemNumber | BOM Item Number | SPOSN | |
IsAssembly | Indicator: assembly | CHAR1 | |
BOMItemSorter | Sort String | CHAR10 | |
PurchasingGroup | Purchasing Group | EKGRP | |
IdentifierBOMItem | External identification of an item | CHAR8 | |
GoodsReceiptDuration | Goods receipt processing time in days | DEC3 | |
MaterialPriceUnitQty | Price unit | PACK3 | |
ComponentScrapInPercent | Component Scrap in Percent | DEC3_2 | |
OperationScrapInPercent | Operation Scrap | DEC3_2 | |
FormulaKey | Formula Key for Variable-Size Items | RFORM | |
BOMItemDescription | BOM Item Text (Line 1) | TEXT40 | |
BOMItemText2 | BOM Item Text (Line 2) | TEXT40 | |
MaterialGroup | Material Group | MATKL | |
DocumentType | Document Type | DOKAR | |
DocNumber | Document number | DOKNR | |
DocumentVersion | Document Version | DOKVR | |
DocumentPart | Document Part | DOKTL | |
ClassNumber | Class number | KLASSE | |
ClassType | Class Type | KLASSENART | |
ResultingItemCategory | Resulting item category | POSTP | |
DependencyObjectNumber | Number of Object with Assigned Dependencies | KNOBJ | |
ObjectType | Object type (BOM item) | OBJTY | |
BOMItemIsSparePart | Indicator: Spare Part | ERSKZ | |
BOMItemIsSalesRelevant | Indicator: item relevant to sales | RVREL | |
BOMItemIsCostingRelevant | Indicator for relevancy to costing | CK_SELKZ | |
SpecialProcurementType | Special Procurement Type for BOM Item | SOBSL | |
OperationLeadTimeOffset | Lead-time offset for operation | NLFZT | |
IsMaterialProvision | Material Provision Indicator | BEIKZ | |
DistrKeyCompConsumption | Distribution key for component consumption | SA_VERTL | |
DeliveryDurationInDays | Delivery time in days | DEC3 | |
Creditor | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
CostElement | Cost element | SAKNR | |
PurchasingOrganization | Purchasing organization | EKORG | |
ProdOrderIssueLocation | Issue Location for Production Order | LGORT | |
ExplosionType | Explosion type | CS_DISPO | |
AlternativeItemGroup | Alternative item: group | CHAR2 | |
FollowUpGroup | Follow-up group | CHAR2 | |
DiscontinuationGroup | Discontinuation group | CHAR2 | |
ReferencePoint | Reference point for BOM transfer | CN_RFPNT | |
LeadTimeOffset | Lead-time offset | NLFZT | |
ProductionSupplyArea | Production Supply Area | PRVBE | |
MaterialComponentIsPhantomItem | null | | |
IsItemDraftModified | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
DraftAdministrativeDataUUID | UUID serving as key (parent key, root key) | SYSUUID | |
ItemAttachmentKey | Document Management Object Key | OBJKY | |
ComponentDescription | BOM Item Text (Line 1) | TEXT40 | |
UxFcBillOfMaterialItemCategory | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBillOfMaterialComponent | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcComponentDescription | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBillOfMaterialItemNumber | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBillOfMaterialItemUnit | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBillOfMaterialItemQuantity | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcCurrency | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcMaterialComponentPrice | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcMaterialPriceUnitQty | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcMaterialGroup | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcPurchasingOrganization | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcPurchasingGroup | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcCostElement | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcCreditor | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcDeliveryDurationInDays | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcGoodsReceiptDuration | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcQuantityVariableSizeItem | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcSize1 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcSize2 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcSize3 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcUnitOfMeasureForSize1To3 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcNumberOfVariableSizeItem | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcFormulaKey | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcDocumentType | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcDocNumber | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcDocumentVersion | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcDocumentPart | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcClassNumber | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcClassType | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBOMItemDescription | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBOMItemText2 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcComponentScrapInPercent | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcOperationScrapInPercent | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsNetScrap | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcFixedQuantity | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcOperationLeadTimeOffset | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcOpsLeadTimeOffsetUnit | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcExplosionType | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcSpecialProcurementType | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcDistrKeyCompConsumption | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcMaterialIsCoProduct | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcValidityStartDate | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcValidityEndDate | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcEngineeringChangeDocument | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsBulkMaterial | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBOMItemIsCostingRelevant | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcReinsurContrOrgUnit | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsEngineeringRelevant | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcProdOrderIssueLocation | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsMaterialProvision | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcMultipleSelectionAllowed | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcObjectType | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsProductionRelevant | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsBOMRecursiveAllowed | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcRequiredComponent | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsClassificationRelevant | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIsSubItem | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcIndicatorSelection | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UxFcBOMItemSorter | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |