
ATP Check Confirmation | view: IATPCONFCMPSTNI | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Available to Promise (ATP)
Column Name Description
ATPConfirmationUUID ATP Confirmation UUID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Unit (BaseUnit):
ConfirmedQuantityInBaseUnit Confirmed Quantity
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ATPCheckVersion Version of an ATP Check
Product Material Number MATNR
SupplyingPlant Plant WERKS
SupplyingStorageLocation Storage location LGORT
Batch Batch Number CHARG
InventorySpecialStockType Special Stock Indicator SOBKZ
ConfdProdAvailabilityUTCDteTme Confirmed Material Availability Timestamp in UTC TZNTSTMPS
ConfdProdAvailabilityTimeZone Time Zone TZNZONE
ConfirmedLoadingUTCDateTime Confirmed Loading Timestamp in UTC TZNTSTMPS
ConfirmedLoadingTimeZone Time Zone TZNZONE
ConfirmedGoodsIssueUTCDateTime Confirmed Goods Issue Timestamp in UTC TZNTSTMPS
ConfirmedGoodsIssueTimeZone Time Zone TZNZONE
ConfirmedDeliveryUTCDateTime Confirmed Delivery Timestamp in UTC TZNTSTMPS
ConfirmedDeliveryTimeZone Time Zone TZNZONE