
Trading Contract Pricing Aspects Data | view: ICONTPRCASPCT | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Commodity Contracts, Expenses, Basic Functions
Tables used: /ACCGO/T_PR_ASP
Column Name Description
TradingContractNumber Trading Contract
TradingContractItem Item Number of Trading Contract
ACMPricingAspect Pricing Aspect
ACMPricingAspectValue Pricing Aspect Counter
Column Name Description
💲 Condition Unit (Currency or Percentage) (ACMPrcgCndnCumltvBasisCrcy):
ACMPrcgCndnCumltvBasisPrice Condition amount or percentage where no scale exists
Column Name Description
📏 Unit of Measure of Trade Quantity (ContractTradeUnit):
ContractTradeQuantity Quantity in Trade UoM Send by 3PT
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
TrdgContrPrcgAspectSrceLotID Source Lot ID /ACCGO/D_PRICINGLOT_ID
ACMPrcgCndnFlatPrice Total Amount /ACCGO/CPE_D_TOTAL_PRICE
ACMPrcgCndnCumltvBasisUnit Condition Pricing Unit KPEIN