StockChangeSelectionType | null | | |
CalculatedStockChangeType | null | | |
IsCancelled | Item has been Cancelled | | |
DocumentTitle | null | | |
CalculatedStockChangeTypeName | Stock Change (List) | | |
Material | Material in Respect of Which Stock is Managed | | |
MaterialName | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
PurchasingDocumentItemText | Description for purchasing document item text | TEXT40 | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
PlantName | Plant Name | TEXT30 | |
Batch | Batch Number of Warehouse Stock (Stock Identifier) | | |
StorageLocation | Storage location | LGORT | |
MatlDocLineItmAutoCrtedIdfrTxt | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
StorageLocationName | Storage Location Name | TEXT16 | |
Supplier | Supplier to be Supplied/Who is to Receive Delivery | LIFNR | |
SupplierName | Name 1 | NAME | |
SupplierBasicAuthorizationGrp | Authorization Group | BRGRU | |
SalesOrder | Sales Order Number | VBELN | |
SalesOrderItem | Description for Sales Order Item | | |
WBSElement | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) Edited | PS_POSID_EDIT | |
WBSElementInternalID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |
WBSDescription | WBS Element Name | TEXT40 | |
Customer | Account number of customer | KUNNR | |
CustomerName | Name 1 | NAME | |
CustomerBasicAuthorizationGrp | Authorization Group | BRGRU | |
InventoryStockType | Stock Type of Goods Movement (Stock Identifier) | | |
InventoryStockTypeName | Stock Type Name | DDTEXT | |
InventorySpecialStockType | Special Stock Indicator | | |
InventorySpecialStockTypeName | Description of special stock | TEXT20 | |
GoodsMovementType | Movement type (inventory management) | | |
GoodsMovementTypeName | Movement Type Text (Inventory Management) | BTEXT | |
GoodsMovementReasonCode | Reason for Movement | | |
GoodsMovementReasonName | Text: Reason for Goods Movement | TEXT20 | |
WorkItem | Work Item ID | /CPD/PFP_WORKITEM_ID | |
PersonnelNumber | Description for Personnel Number | MMIM_PERSONNEL_NUMBER | |
DocumentItemText | Item Text | | |
CreatedByUser | User Name | | |
CreatedByUserDescription | User Description | SUIDTECHDESC | |
AccountingDocumentType | Document Type | | |
AccountingDocumentTypeName | Document Type Description | TEXT20 | |
InventoryTransactionType | Transaction/Event Type | | |
InventoryTransactionTypeText | Long Text | TEXT40 | |
DocumentReferenceId | Reference Document Number | | |
BillOfLading | Number of Bill of Lading at Time of Goods Receipt | XBLNR1 | |
MaterialDocumentHeaderText | Document Header Text | | |
PurchaseOrder | Purchasing Document | EBELN | |
PurchaseOrderItem | Description for Purchase Order Item | | |
DeliveryDocument | Delivery | VBELN | |
DeliveryDocumentItem | Description for Delivery Item | | |
OrderID | Order Number | AUFNR | |
IssuingOrReceivingMaterial | Receiving/Issuing Material | | |
IssuingOrReceivingMaterialName | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
IssuingOrReceivingPlant | Receiving plant/issuing plant | | |
IssuingOrReceivingPlantName | Plant Name | TEXT30 | |
IssuingOrReceivingStorageLoc | Receiving/issuing storage location | | |
IssuingOrReceivingStLocName | Storage Location Name | TEXT16 | |
IssuingOrReceivingStockType | Receiving/Issuing Stock Type of Goods Movement | | |
IssuingOrReceivStockTypeName | Stock Type Name | DDTEXT | |
DebitCreditCode | Debit/Credit Indicator | | |
GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated | Non-Valuated GR | CHAR1 | |
HasMultipleAccountAssignment | Multiple Account Assignment | CHAR1 | |
CostCenter | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
CostCenterName | Cost Center Name | TEXT20 | |
MasterFixedAsset | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
FixedAssetDescription | Asset Description | TEXT50 | |
GLAccount | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | |
WhseGoodsMovementDocument | Warehouse Document for Goods Movement | /SCWM/TANUM | |
Warehouse | Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
WarehouseName | Description | /SCWM/DO_DESC40 | |
GLAccountLongName | G/L Account Long Name | CHAR50 | |
StockSegment | Stock Segment | SGT_SRCA | |
ProductSeasonYear | Season Year | FSH_CJAHR | |
ProductSeason | Season | RFM_SAISO | |
ProductCollection | Fashion Collection | FSH_COLLECTION | |
ProductTheme | Fashion Theme | FSH_THEME | |
ProductCharacteristic1 | Characteristic Value for Colors of Variants | | |
ProductCharacteristic2 | Characteristic Value for Main Sizes of Variants | | |
ProductCharacteristic3 | Characteristic Value for Second Size for Variants | | |
MaterialText | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
ProductCharacteristic1Desc | Characteristic value description | ATWRT | |
ProductCharacteristic2Desc | Characteristic value description | ATWRT | |
ProductCharacteristic3Desc | Characteristic value description | ATWRT | |
SeasonDescription | Name of Season, Collection, or Theme | FSH_DPRG_TEXT | |
CollectionDescription | Name of Season, Collection, or Theme | FSH_DPRG_TEXT | |
ThemeDescription | Name of Season, Collection, or Theme | FSH_DPRG_TEXT | |