
Transp Allocation Compliance Query | view: CTALCOMPLQUERY | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Analytics
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
TrAlcMinGrossWgtInDspUnit Transp Allocation Minimum Gross Weight In Display Unit
TrAlcMaxGrossWgtInDspUnit Transp Allocation Maximum Gross Weight In Display Unit
TrAlcCurGrossWeightInDspUnit Transp Alloc Current Gross Weight In Display Unit
TrAlcMinGrossWgtTolInDspUnit Transp Alloc Minimum Gross Weight Tolerance In Display Unit
TrAlcMaxGrossWgtTolInDspUnit Transp Alloc Maximum Gross Weight Tolerance In Display Unit
TrAlcGrossWgtTolHigh Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Tolerance High
TrAlcGrossWgtDvtnHigh Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Deviation High
TrAlcGrossWgtTolLow Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Tolerance Low
TrAlcGrossWgtDvtnLow Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Deviation Low
TrAlcMinGrossVolInDspUnit Transportation Allocation Minimum Gross Volume In Dsp Unit
TrAlcMaxGrossVolInDspUnit Transp Allocation Maximum Gross Volume In Display Unit
TrAlcCurGrossVolumeInDspUnit Transp Alloc Current Gross Volume In Display Unit
TrAlcMinGrossVolTolInDspUnit Transp Alloc Minimum Gross Volume Tolerance in Dsp Unit
TrAlcMaxGrossVolTolInDspUnit Transp Alloc Maximum Gross Volume Tolerance In Display Unit
TrAlcGrossVolTolHigh Transportaion Allocation Gross Volume Tolerance High
TrAlcGrossVolDvtnHigh Transportation Allocation Gross Volume Deviation High
TrAlcGrossVolTolLow Transportation Allocation Gross Volume Tolerance Low
TrAlcGrossVolDvtnLow Transportation Allocation Gross Volume Deviation Low
TrAlcMinNmbrOfCtnsInDspUnit Transp Alloc Minimum Number of Containers in Display Unit
TrAlcMaxNmbrOfCtnsInDspUnit Transp Alloc Maximum Number of Containers in Display Unit
TrAlcCurNmbrOfCtnsInDspUnit Transp Alloc Current Number of Containers in Display Unit
TrAlcMinNmbrOfCtnsTolInDspUnit Transp Alloc Number of Containers Min Tolerance in Dsp Unit
TrAlcMaxNmbrOfCtnsTolInDspUnit Transp Alloc Number of Containers Max Tolerance in Dsp Unit
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsTolHigh Transp Allocation Number of Containers Tolerance High
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsDvtnHigh Transp Allocation Number of Containers Deviation High
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsTolLow Transp Alloc Number of Containers Tolerance Low
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsDvtnLow Transportation Allocation Number of Containers Deviation Low
Column Name Description
TranspAllocValdtyStartDateTime Transportation Allocation Validity Start Date
TranspAllocValdtyEndDateTime Transportation Allocation Validity End Date
TrAlcBucketValdtyStrtDate Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity Start Date
TrAlcBucketValdtyEndDate Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity End Date
Column Name Description
TranspAllocCategory Allocation Category Show values
TranspAllocBucketType Planning Period for Transportation Allocation Show values
TradeLaneOrientation Transportation Orientation Show values
TransportationModeCategory Transportation Mode Category Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
YearMonth Year Month NUM6
TransportationAllocationUUID Transportation Allocation UUID (Char 32) /SCMTMS/VDM_TOR_DB_KEY_HEX
TransportationAllocation Allocation /SCMTMS/TAL_ID
TranspAllocCategoryDesc Short Text for Fixed Values DDTEXT
TranspAllocType Allocation Type /SCMTMS/TAL_TYPE
TranspAllocTypeDesc Description of Allocation Type /SCMTMS/TAL_TYPE_DESC
TranspAllocBucketTypeDesc Short Text for Fixed Values DDTEXT
TrAlcBucketValdtyStrtDteTme Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity Start Date Time TZNTSTMPS
TrAlcBucketValdtyEndDteTime Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity End Date Time TZNTSTMPS
TrAlcBucketValdtyStrtDteYrMnth Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity Start Year Month NUM6
TrAlcBucketValdtyEndDteYrMnth Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity End Year Month NUM6
TrAlcCtnUnitOfMeasureDimn Transp Allocation Number of Containers UoM Dimension DIMID
TrAlcCtnUnitOfMeasureDimnDesc Dimension text TEXT20
TrAlcGrossVolUnitOfMsrDimn Transp Allocation Gross Volume Unit of Measure DIMID
TrAlcGrossVolUnitOfMsrDimnDesc Dimension text TEXT20
TrAlcGrossWgtUnitOfMsrDimn Transp Alloc Gross Weight Unit of Measure DIMID
TrAlcGrossWgtUnitOfMsrDimnDesc Dimension text TEXT20
TradeLane Trade Lane /SCMTMS/TDL_ID
TradeLaneOrientationDesc Short Text for Fixed Values DDTEXT
SourceLocationName Location Description /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K
DestinationLocationName Location Description /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K
TransportationMode Transportation Mode VKTRA
TransportationModeDesc Transportation Mode Description
MeansOfTransport Means of Transport /SAPAPO/TR_TRATY
MeansOfTransportDesc Means of Transport Description /SAPAPO/TR_TRATYDESCR
TransportationModeCategoryDesc Transportation Mode Category Description DDTEXT
NumberOfTranspAllocBuckets Number of Transportation Allocation Buckets /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF
TrAlcUtilznGrossWeightRatio Transportation Allocation Utilization Gross Weight Ratio /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO
TrAlcRltvDeviationGrossWeight Transportation Allocation Relative Deviation Gross Weight /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO
TrAlcUtilznGrossVolumeRatio Transportation Allocation Utilization Gross Volume Ratio /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO
TrAlcRltvDeviationGrossVolume Transportation Allocation Relative Deviation Gross Vol /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO
TrAlcUtilznContainerRatio Transportation Allocation Utilization Container Ratio /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO
TrAlcRltvDeviationContainer Transportation Alloc Relative Deviation Nmbr of Containers /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO
SourceLocation Transportation Order Source Location /SAPAPO/LOCNO
SourceLocationUUID Source Location Universally Unique Identifier (CHAR 22) /SAPAPO/LOCID
DestinationLocation Transportation Order Destination Location /SAPAPO/LOCNO
DestinationLocationUUID Destination Location UUID (CHAR 22) /SAPAPO/LOCID