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Transp Allocation Compliance Query
| Extraction:
Not supported
| Component: Analytics
- 🔑 Keys
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- ∑ Quantities (27)
- 📅 Dates (4)
- ☰ Categorical (4)
- Other (37)
- 🔗 Relations
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description | |
TrAlcMinGrossWgtInDspUnit | Transp Allocation Minimum Gross Weight In Display Unit | |
TrAlcMaxGrossWgtInDspUnit | Transp Allocation Maximum Gross Weight In Display Unit | |
TrAlcCurGrossWeightInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Current Gross Weight In Display Unit | |
TrAlcMinGrossWgtTolInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Minimum Gross Weight Tolerance In Display Unit | |
TrAlcMaxGrossWgtTolInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Maximum Gross Weight Tolerance In Display Unit | |
TrAlcGrossWgtTolHigh | Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Tolerance High | |
TrAlcGrossWgtDvtnHigh | Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Deviation High | |
TrAlcGrossWgtTolLow | Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Tolerance Low | |
TrAlcGrossWgtDvtnLow | Transportation Allocation Gross Weight Deviation Low | |
TrAlcMinGrossVolInDspUnit | Transportation Allocation Minimum Gross Volume In Dsp Unit | |
TrAlcMaxGrossVolInDspUnit | Transp Allocation Maximum Gross Volume In Display Unit | |
TrAlcCurGrossVolumeInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Current Gross Volume In Display Unit | |
TrAlcMinGrossVolTolInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Minimum Gross Volume Tolerance in Dsp Unit | |
TrAlcMaxGrossVolTolInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Maximum Gross Volume Tolerance In Display Unit | |
TrAlcGrossVolTolHigh | Transportaion Allocation Gross Volume Tolerance High | |
TrAlcGrossVolDvtnHigh | Transportation Allocation Gross Volume Deviation High | |
TrAlcGrossVolTolLow | Transportation Allocation Gross Volume Tolerance Low | |
TrAlcGrossVolDvtnLow | Transportation Allocation Gross Volume Deviation Low | |
TrAlcMinNmbrOfCtnsInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Minimum Number of Containers in Display Unit | |
TrAlcMaxNmbrOfCtnsInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Maximum Number of Containers in Display Unit | |
TrAlcCurNmbrOfCtnsInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Current Number of Containers in Display Unit | |
TrAlcMinNmbrOfCtnsTolInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Number of Containers Min Tolerance in Dsp Unit | |
TrAlcMaxNmbrOfCtnsTolInDspUnit | Transp Alloc Number of Containers Max Tolerance in Dsp Unit | |
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsTolHigh | Transp Allocation Number of Containers Tolerance High | |
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsDvtnHigh | Transp Allocation Number of Containers Deviation High | |
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsTolLow | Transp Alloc Number of Containers Tolerance Low | |
TrAlcNmbrOfCtnsDvtnLow | Transportation Allocation Number of Containers Deviation Low |
Column Name | Description | |
TranspAllocValdtyStartDateTime | Transportation Allocation Validity Start Date | |
TranspAllocValdtyEndDateTime | Transportation Allocation Validity End Date | |
TrAlcBucketValdtyStrtDate | Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity Start Date | |
TrAlcBucketValdtyEndDate | Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity End Date |
Column Name | Description | |
TranspAllocCategory | Allocation Category | Show values |
TranspAllocBucketType | Planning Period for Transportation Allocation | Show values |
TradeLaneOrientation | Transportation Orientation | Show values |
TransportationModeCategory | Transportation Mode Category | Show values |
Column Name | Description | Domain name | |
YearMonth | Year Month | NUM6 | |
TransportationAllocationUUID | Transportation Allocation UUID (Char 32) | /SCMTMS/VDM_TOR_DB_KEY_HEX | |
TransportationAllocation | Allocation | /SCMTMS/TAL_ID | |
TranspAllocCategoryDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TranspAllocType | Allocation Type | /SCMTMS/TAL_TYPE | |
TranspAllocTypeDesc | Description of Allocation Type | /SCMTMS/TAL_TYPE_DESC | |
TranspAllocBucketTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TrAlcBucketValdtyStrtDteTme | Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity Start Date Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
TrAlcBucketValdtyEndDteTime | Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity End Date Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
TrAlcBucketValdtyStrtDteYrMnth | Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity Start Year Month | NUM6 | |
TrAlcBucketValdtyEndDteYrMnth | Transportation Allocation Bucket Validity End Year Month | NUM6 | |
TrAlcCtnUnitOfMeasureDimn | Transp Allocation Number of Containers UoM Dimension | DIMID | |
TrAlcCtnUnitOfMeasureDimnDesc | Dimension text | TEXT20 | |
TrAlcGrossVolUnitOfMsrDimn | Transp Allocation Gross Volume Unit of Measure | DIMID | |
TrAlcGrossVolUnitOfMsrDimnDesc | Dimension text | TEXT20 | |
TrAlcGrossWgtUnitOfMsrDimn | Transp Alloc Gross Weight Unit of Measure | DIMID | |
TrAlcGrossWgtUnitOfMsrDimnDesc | Dimension text | TEXT20 | |
TradeLane | Trade Lane | /SCMTMS/TDL_ID | |
TradeLaneOrientationDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
SourceLocationName | Location Description | /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K | |
DestinationLocationName | Location Description | /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K | |
TransportationMode | Transportation Mode | VKTRA | |
TransportationModeDesc | Transportation Mode Description | ||
MeansOfTransport | Means of Transport | /SAPAPO/TR_TRATY | |
MeansOfTransportDesc | Means of Transport Description | /SAPAPO/TR_TRATYDESCR | |
TransportationModeCategoryDesc | Transportation Mode Category Description | DDTEXT | |
NumberOfTranspAllocBuckets | Number of Transportation Allocation Buckets | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
TrAlcUtilznGrossWeightRatio | Transportation Allocation Utilization Gross Weight Ratio | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
TrAlcRltvDeviationGrossWeight | Transportation Allocation Relative Deviation Gross Weight | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
TrAlcUtilznGrossVolumeRatio | Transportation Allocation Utilization Gross Volume Ratio | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
TrAlcRltvDeviationGrossVolume | Transportation Allocation Relative Deviation Gross Vol | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
TrAlcUtilznContainerRatio | Transportation Allocation Utilization Container Ratio | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
TrAlcRltvDeviationContainer | Transportation Alloc Relative Deviation Nmbr of Containers | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
SourceLocation | Transportation Order Source Location | /SAPAPO/LOCNO | |
SourceLocationUUID | Source Location Universally Unique Identifier (CHAR 22) | /SAPAPO/LOCID | |
DestinationLocation | Transportation Order Destination Location | /SAPAPO/LOCNO | |
DestinationLocationUUID | Destination Location UUID (CHAR 22) | /SAPAPO/LOCID |