Language | Language Key | | |
ProductDescription | Product Description | | |
ManufacturerName | Manufacturer Name | | |
ManufacturerMaterial | Manufacturing Material | | |
OpnCtlgHasPriceScale | If price scale exist | | |
ProductCatalogName | Product Catalog Name | | |
OpnCtlgIntCatalogName | Internal catalog name | | |
Service | Service | | |
Material | Material | | |
MaterialGroup | Material Group | | |
OpnCtlgSrchLongText | Search Long Text | | |
MaterialGroupName | Material Group Name | | |
OpnCtlgSupplierName | Vendor Name | | |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer | | |
OpnCtlgSupplierID | Vendor | | |
OpnCtlgMaterialIDBySupplier | Material ID By Vendor | | |
ProductType | Product Type | | |
OpnCtlgCategoryID | Category | | |
OpnCtlgHasProdRelationExists | Product Relation Exists | | |
OpnCtlgMainImageName | Catalog Main Image Name | | |
OpnCtlgMainImageURL | Catalog Main Image URL | | |
OpnCtlgMainImageText | Catalog Main Image Name | | |
OpnCtlgMainImageID | Search Image Key | | |
PricingScaleType | null | | |
OpnCtlgExternalProductID | External Product ID | | |
OpnCtlgWebServiceID | Catalog Web Service ID | | |
OpnCtlgWebServiceName | catalog Web service name | | |
ItemType | Item Type | | |
NetPriceQuantity | Net Price Quantity | | |
OpnCtlgContentUnit | Unit Of Measure | | |
OpnCtlgPackingQty | Dataelement for quantity of char 15 | | |
OpnCtlgMinOrderQuantity | Dataelement for quantity of char 15 | | |
MaterialFixedLotSizeQuantity | Dataelement for quantity of char 15 | | |
ContractAccount | Contract Account | | |
OpnCtlgContractItem | Contract Item | | |
OpnCtlgExternalQuoteID | External Quote ID | | |
OpnCtlgExtQuoteItem | External Quote Item | | |
OpnCtlgExtSchemaType | External Schema Type | | |
OpnCtlgExternalCategoryID | External Category ID | | |
OpnCtlgExternalCategory | External Category | | |
UsageRating | Rating | | |
ParentItem | Parent Item | | |
IsOpnCtlgManaged | Is Catalog Managed | | |
IsOpnCtlgItmFrmMatlMstr | Is From Material Master | | |
IsOpnCtlgItem | Is Catalog Item | | |
ChangedDateTime | null | | |
OpnCtlgChangedBy | Changed By | | |
OpnCtlgItemSustainCompliance | Item Sustainable Compliance | | |
OpnCtlgDirectEmissionValue | Direct Emission Value | | |
OpnCtlgDirectEmissionUnit | Direct Emission Unit | | |
OpnCtlgIndrctEmissionValue | Temp Emission Value | | |
OpnCtlgIndrctEmissionUnit | InDirect Emission Unit | | |
OpnCtlgTempEmissionValue | Temp Emission Value | | |
OpnCtlgTempEMissionUnit | Temp Emission Unit | | |
OpnCtlgRecycleValue | Recycle Value | | |
OpnCtlgRecycleUnit | Recycle Unit | | |
OpnCtlgWaterConsumptionValue | Water Consumption Value | | |
OpnCtlgWaterConsumptionUnit | Water Consumption Unit | | |
OpnCtlgEnergyConsumptionValue | Energy Consumption Value | | |
OpnCtlgEnergyConsumptionUnit | Energy Consumption Unit | | |
OpnCtlgWasteGeneratedValue | Waste Generated Value | | |
OpnCtlgWasteGeneratedUnit | Waste Generated Unit | | |
LogicalSystem | Original System | | |
OpnCtlgSystemName | Source Logical System | | |
SourceLogicalSystem | Business Document Service: ID of Logical System | | |
Decimals | No. of decimal places for rounding | | |
LeadTimeAnncmntDueInDays | Delivery Time in Days of the Shopping Cart Line | | |
OpnCtlgPrcValidityStartDate | null | | |
OpnCtlgPrcValidityEndDate | null | | |
TaxTolerancePercent | Data element for Percentage | | |
PurchasingDocumentItem | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | |
PurchasingDocumentPriceUnit | Price unit | DEC5 | |
PurchasingDocument | Document number for source of supply | | |
PurchasingDocumentType | SOS type | | |
PlantName | Plant | WERKS | |
CompanyCode | Company Code | BUKRS | |
PurchasingOrganization | Purchasing organization | EKORG | |
PriceValidityEndDate | Price Valid To | TZNTSTMPS | |
PriceValidityStartDate | Price Valid From | TZNTSTMPS | |
OpnCtlgNumberOfHits | null | | |
PriceInformationIsRequired | null | | |
OpnCtlgFilterValue | Filter value for Catalog Item | | |