
Capacity Plan Simulation Columns | view: CPMRPCAPCOL | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Predictive MRP Engine
Column Name Description
PMRPSimulation pMRP: ID of a pMRP Simulation
PMRPResourceInternalID Capacity ID
BucketInternalID pMRP Evaluation Bucket ID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
PMRPBucketCategory pMRP: Bucket Category Show values
PMRPSimulationStatus pMRP: Status of a Simulation Show values
CapacityCriticality Criticality Indicator for pMRP Simulation Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
Plant Plant WERKS
PMRPReferencePlan pMRP: ID for Reference Data PMRP_REFERENCE_ID
PMRPAvailableCapacity pMRP available Capacity DEC20_3
PMRPCapacityDemandQuantity pMRP: Capacity Demand DEC20_3
PMRPCapacityDeltaQty null
TotOperatingDurationInHours pMRP available Capacity DEC20_3
AdaptedCapacityRateInPercent pMRP: Modification Factor (Percentage) INT4
PMRPResourceName pMRP: Resource Name PMRP_RESOURCE_NAME
WorkCenter Work Center ARBPL
PMRPWorkCenterText null
WorkCenterInternalID Object ID of the resource CR_OBJID
CapacityResponsiblePlanner Capacity Responsible Planner Group KAPPLANER
CapacityCategory Capacity category KAPART
PMRPResourceLoadPercent pMRP: Resource Load DEC13
PMRPRsceOverloadTolerancePct pMRP: Resource Overload Tolerance INT1
PMRPResourceDisregardIssStatus null
Denominator Denominator of the base capacity UMBSN
Numerator Numerator for base capacity UMBSZ
PMRPBucketPeriod Period of a Bucket
PMRPNumberOfBuckets null